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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Members and Leadership


Center Directors

Our Interim CCTR Directors are Carrie Heike, MD, MS and Margaret Rosenfeld, MD, MPH who are jointly tasked with determining our center's scientific strategy in conjunction with the Research Integration Hub Medical Director and CCTR Associate Director, Jodi Smith, MD, MPH.

CCTR Center Business Leaders

CCTR's Center Business Office (CBO) leaders overseeing Research Administration include our Interim Senior Director of Center Business Operations, LyKheng Huot; and Interim Center Business Director, Jennifer Harry.

CCTR Administrative and Programmatic Support

Administrative support is provided by Ben Stafford. Programmatic support is provided by Amanda Hartman, PhD, PMP. Read more about our CCTR Programs. If you have additional questions about specific administrative needs, please contact the CCTR mailbox

CCTR Steering Committee

The CCTR Steering Committee, led by the CCTR Directors, provides guidance and overall strategic direction for the center. The committee meets monthly to establish priorities for center activities, determine funding allocation and lead new initiatives to improve clinical and translational research at Seattle Children’s. For information about the committee, send us an email.

Meet Our Members

The CCTR attracts and supports current and future leaders in the design and conduct of pediatric clinical research studies. Under the direction of Drs. Carrie Heike and Margaret Rosenfeld, the CCTR is home to more than 400 research faculty and staff members from more than 30 pediatric subspecialties.

For information about membership benefits and requirements, visit our Become a Member page.


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Center for Clinical and Translational Research

For questions or inquiries,
email: [email protected].

Physical Address

1920 Terry Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101

Mailing Address

PO Box 5371
Seattle, WA 98145-5005