Patient and Family Education
We want you to have all the information you and your child need to understand your child’s condition and to participate in treatment. This page provides links to resources that we hope will be helpful. The resources below were created or curated by Seattle Children’s.
Resources at Seattle Children’s
- Autism resources (Spanish)
- What to expect at Seattle Children's Autism Center
- Transportation and lodging
- Paying for care
- Interpreter Services
Información en español
¿Qué es el autismo? (What is autism?)
- Manual de los 100 días, Autism Speaks
- ¿Qué es el autismo? (video, 19:49): El primero de lo que será una serie de videos El autismo y mi familia: una serie de videos en español sobre autismo con información médica importante y la historia de una familia de nuestra comunidad. Hay mucho que aprender cuando un miembro de la familia es diagnosticado con autismo y es fácil sentir mucha soledad. Esperamos que esta serie de videos sea un buen comienzo para comprender qué es y qué no es el autismo.
- ¿Qué es el autismo?, Autism Speaks
- ¿Qué es el trastorno del espectro autista?: breve resumen y una lista de características del autismo en los más pequeños, Florida State University
- Signos y síntomas de los trastornos del espectro autista, Centros para Control y Prevención de Enfermedades
- Trastornos del espectro autista, National Institute of Mental Health
- Tutorial de los Primeros Signos de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (video, 9:29): para reconocer mejor los primeros signos de los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA), para pediatras, padres, madres y terapeutas que participan en detección temprana. La Dra. Rebecca Landa, una investigadora dedicada a los trastornos del espectro autista y la directora del Centro de Autismo y Trastornos Relacionados del Instituto Kennedy Krieger en Baltimore (Estados Unidos), crearon una clase gratuita de 9 minutos explicando los comportamientos de niños y niñas con autismo al año de edad. Son seis videos que comparan niños pequeños sin signos con los signos tempranos de TEA. En cada video, aparecen en la pantalla mientras se describen y explican los comportamientos específicos indicativos de TEA o del desarrollo infantil más típico. (Kennedy Krieger Institute).
- Una breve guía para padres acerca del autismo: información para padres y madres de niños/as pequeños y en edad preescolar. (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
- Una guía breve para padres sobre los trastornos del espectro autista: información para los padres y madres de niños en edad escolar (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
Qué hacer ante la duda de que su hijo/a tenga autismo o mientras espera la evaluación (What to do if you suspect your child may have autism or while waiting for an autism evaluation)
- Ayúdame a Crecer Washington es un servicio gratuito que conecta a padres, madres y cuidadores con recursos comunitarios. Llame al 800-322-2588 para recibir ayuda para acceder a los recursos y servicios que necesita. Ya sea exámenes de detección de desarrollo en la primera infancia, asistencia para solicitar seguro médico o ayuda para encontrar un banco de alimentos, una clase para padres y madres o una clínica de bajo costo. (Help Me Grow Washington, WithinReach)
- Evaluación de autismo con proveedores médicos de la región Northwest (PDF)
- Qué hacer mientras espera su cita en el Centro de Autismo (PDF)
- Recursos escolares y educativos: cómo solicitar educación especial (PDF)
- Recursos y servicios: de recién nacido a tres años, Informing Families (PDF)
- Recursos en español, Autism Speaks
- Seattle Children’s Hospital y expertos locales se enorgullecen en presentar El autismo y mi familia: una serie de videos en español sobre autismo con información médica importante y la historia de una familia de nuestra comunidad. Hay mucho que aprender cuando un miembro de la familia es diagnosticado con autismo y es fácil sentir mucha soledad. Esperamos que esta serie de videos sea un buen comienzo para comprender qué es y qué no es el autismo.
¿Qué hacer después del diagnóstico de autismo? (Getting started after an autism diagnosis)
- Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades: información sobre el trastorno del espectro autista (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Cómo compartir el diagnóstico de su hijo/a con la escuela, Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (PDF)
- Educación Especial, por Patricia Delgado (González) (video, 1:37:34): Patricia Delgado de Arc of King County contesta preguntas: ¿qué es un plan educativo IEP o 504?, ¿cómo puede ayudar a mi hijo/a? ¿Qué apoyo tengo disponible? ¿Cuáles son nuestros derechos y qué hacemos si no estamos de acuerdo? (The Arc of King County)
- El autismo y mi familia: una serie de videos en español sobre autismo con información médica importante y la historia de una familia de nuestra comunidad. Hay mucho que aprender cuando un miembro de la familia es diagnosticado con autismo y es fácil sentir mucha soledad. Esperamos que esta serie de videos sea un buen comienzo para comprender qué es y qué no es el autismo.
- Manual para 100 días, Autism Speaks
- Programa familias primero de TRIAD (PDF): talleres gratuitos para cuidadores de niños pequeños (2 a 7 años) recién diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista. Para obtener información llame al (615) 615-322-7565 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. línea en español: (615) 875-9850 (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center).
- Proyecto On-Time Autism Intervention Project de University of Washington: seminario en Internet en español sobre la lista de tareas pendientes después del diagnóstico de autismo. Cuatro estrategias diseñadas para apoyar el desarrollo de un hijo/a y la oportunidad de hablar sobre las recomendaciones del informe del diagnóstico, hacer preguntas y formar parte de una comunidad de padres y madres.
- Para quiénes: padres y madres con hijos/as con diagnóstico de autismo
- Dónde: por Zoom en Internet
- Cuándo: los miércoles de 1 a 2 p.m.
- Para registrarse: [email protected]
Organizaciones e información sobre autism (Autism organizations and resources)
Algunas de estas páginas web están en español, pero algunas tienen la opción de cambiar a español con Google Translate, que generalmente está localizado en la parte superior, a la izquierda o derecha.
- Ben’s Fund: solo para el estado de Washington. Sitio web en inglés, pero puede usar Google Translate.
- Centros para Control y Prevención de Enfermedades: información sobre trastornos del espectro autista.
- Informing Families: sitio web en inglés, en la parte de superior derecha hay un menú donde puede cambiar el idioma.
- Parent to Parent: Los programas de padres a padres (‘Parent to Parent’) del estado de Washington ofrecen varias formas de conectarse con otros padres, madres y cuidadores en reuniones virtuales y en persona, con seminarios y programas recreativos, entre otras cosas. (The Arc of Washington State)
- Open Doors for Multicultural Families: en inglés, puede usar la barra en la parte superior del sitio para cambiar el idioma.
- Recursos en español, Autism Speaks
- Recursos y servicios, ECHO Autism
- The Arc of King County
- The Arc of Tri-Cities: sitio web en inglés, en la parte superior derecha hay un menú donde puede cambiar el idioma.
- Washington Autism Alliance: Ofrece navegación de recursos, abogacía legal en temas relacionados con el acceso a atención médica y la educación. El sitio está inglés, en la parte inferior izquierda, hay un menú donde puede cambiar el idioma.
La vida con autismo (Living with autism)
Acoso y burlas (Bullying)
- Acoso y burlas: señales, cómo prevenirlo y detenerlo, Autism Society of North Carolina (PDF)
Análisis conductual aplicado (Applied behavioral analysis)
- ADEPT (educación a distancia de autismo para padres y madres): educación interactiva en español, un trabajo original del Instituto MIND/CEDD con 10-lecciones interactivas para seguir a su propio ritmo. Tiene un módulo de aprendizaje por Internet con herramientas y clases que explican técnicas funcionales efectivas para autismo y otros trastornos del desarrollo neurológico utilizando análisis conductual aplicado. (UC Davis MIND Institute)
- Análisis conductual aplicado (ABA, sus siglas en inglés): lista de comprobación para cobertura de Medicaid (PDF)
- Análisis aplicado de la conducta: guía para los padres (ABA, por sus siglas en inglés), Autism Speaks (PDF)
- El autismo y mi familia: una serie de videos en español sobre autismo Esta es una serie de videos sobre muchos temas relacionados con el autismo, incluyendo: el diagnóstico, el proceso de encontrar terapias y vivir con un diagnóstico de autismo. Cada video se enfoca en la historia de una familia local y un proveedor comunitario que comparten sobre el tema y sus experiencias.
- ¿Qué es ABA? Parte 1: ¿por qué es necesario? (Video, 36:21)
- ¿Qué es ABA? Parte 2: cómo recibir terapia ABA (Video, 18:02)
- ¿Qué es ABA? Parte 3: cómo Yubisela obtuvo terapia ABA para su hijo (Video, 11:04)
- Washington Autism Alliance: análisis conductual aplicado (ABA): si tiene seguro médico privado (comercial), llame para confirmar si cubre la terapia ABA y pedir una lista de proveedores. Si su plan no cubre ABA, comuníquese con Washington Autism Alliance. Si tiene Medicaid (seguro del estado), consulte el folleto a continuación: “Análisis conductual aplicado (ABA): Lista de comprobación para la cobertura de Medicaid”. Si su seguro no cubre la terapia o tiene dificultades para obtener servicio de terapia ABA, comuníquese con Washington Autism Alliance. El sitio está inglés, en la parte inferior izquierda, hay un menú donde puede cambiar el idioma.
Apoyo para padres, madres y cuidadores (Parent and caregiver support)
- Manejo del estrés: antes de que sea demasiado (PDF)
- Grupos de apoyo para padres o cuidadores de pacientes con autismo (PDF)
- Manual de defensa: defensoría para su hijo hija, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Manual de Planificación Financiera, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Open Doors for Multicultural Families Puertas abiertas para familias multiculturales tiene personal de apoyo familiar que puede ayudar a las familias con el papeleo y proporcionar orientación para la escuela, recursos para discapacitados, derechos de los inmigrantes y muchos otros recursos. El personal de apoyo familiar habla los siguientes idiomas: inglés, español, árabe, kurdo, somalí, ruso, ucraniano, vietnamita, amárico, tigrinya, cantonés, mandarín y tagalo.
- Seguro Social: la mejor manera para que las personas con acceso a Internet obtengan ayuda del Seguro Social es por medio del sitio web. (Social Security Administration)
- Servicios de Medicaid en Washington: transporte y alojamiento de Medicaid en el estado de Washington para familias con Medicaid.
- The Arc of King County: Un centro de información sobre los servicios y recursos locales para la comunidad de discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo en el transcurso de sus vidas.
- Washington Connection ofrece una manera rápida y fácil de solicitar varios servicios como alimentación, dinero, cuidado de niños, atención infantil, atención a largo plazo y programas de ahorros de Medicare (Medicare Savings Programs en inglés).
Asiento infantil para el automóvil (Car seats)
Comportamientos problemáticos (Challenging behaviors)
- Extracciones de sangre más sencillas: guía para padres, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Guía formativa para cortes de pelo, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Introducción a tratamientos de medicina conductual: guía para padres, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- La pica: guía para padres, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Manual de conductas problemáticas, Autism Speaks (PDF)
Comunicación (Communication)
- AAC de baja y no tecnología para niños en el espectro autista (ASD): guía para Padres, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (PDF)
- Apoyos Visuales y los trastornos del espectro autista, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Estrategias para fomentar el desarrollo del lenguaje (PDF)
- Hoja de ruta de la tecnología de asistencia a la comunicación, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Use libros para mejorar la comunicación de su hijo/a (PDF)
Dentista (Dental)
- Atención odontológica para niños con autismo (PDF)
- Bruxismo (rechinar de dientes) (PDF)
- Cómo encontrar un dentista en el estado de Washington (DentistLink)
- Guía Dental, Autism Speaks (PDF)
Escuela y educación (School and education)
- Ayúdame a Crecer Washington: para determinar si su hijo/a reúne los requisitos para recibir educación especial llame a Ayúdame a Crecer al 800-322-2588 y pida información para comunicarse con el programa ChildFind en su distrito escolar.
- Cómo llegar a los resultados: una guía para educación especial en las escuelas públicas de Seattle, Seattle Special Education PTSA
- Cómo compartir el diagnóstico de su hijo/a con la escuela, Oficina de Educación y Resolución de Quejas de la Gobernación de Washington (PDF)
- Discapacidades específicas del aprendizaje, Center for Parent Information and Resources)
- Discapacidades intelectuales, Center for Parent Information and Resources
- Education Ombuds: apoyo para estudiantes con discapacidad de la Oficina de Educación y Resolución de Quejas de la Gobernación de Washington.
- El autismo y mi familia: una serie de videos en español Esta es una serie de videos sobre muchos temas relacionados con el autismo, incluyendo: el diagnóstico, el proceso de encontrar terapias y vivir con un diagnóstico de autismo. Cada video se enfoca en la historia de una familia local y un proveedor comunitario que comparten sobre el tema y sus experiencias.
- Guía de programas de educación individualizada (IEP), Autism Speaks
- Manual de la comunidad escolar: para que la comunidad escolar comprenda y apoye a alumnos con autismo, Autism Speaks
- Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment o PAVE (asociaciones activas y voces fuertes): sitio web en inglés, puede usar Google Translate.
- Recursos escolares y educativos: cómo solicitar educación especial (PDF)
Estreñimiento (Constipation)
- Alimentos ricos en fibra (PDF)
- Aprender a ir al baño y el trastorno del espectro autista, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (PDF)
- Estreñimiento: preguntas más comunes (PDF)
- Guía para tratar el estreñimiento en niño, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- La popó dentro de ti, Children’s Hospital Colorado (Video, 5:46)
- Tratamiento para estreñimiento crónico y defecación involuntaria (PDF)
Guardería y servicios de cuidado de niños/as (Finding child care)
- Lifespan Respite (cuidados auxiliares): sitio web en inglés, puede usar Google Translate
- Opciones de cuidado infantil para niños y niñas con autismo (PDF)
Medicamentos (Medications)
- Autismo: ¿debería mi hijo tomar medicamentos para comportamientos problemáticos?, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Autismo y medicamentos para conductas desafiantes: Uso segura y cuidadoso, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Cómo ayudar a tomar medicamentos (PDF)
Pañales (Diapers)
Permiso de estacionamiento para discapacitados (Disabled parking permit)
- Solicitud del permiso para estacionamiento para discapacitados (PDF): lleve esta solicitud a su doctor de cabecera para solicitar un permiso de estacionamiento para personas con discapacidad, Washington State Department of Licensing
Pubertad (Puberty)
- Manual de cuerpos sanos: sitio web con material de lectura en formato PDF (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
Sueño (Sleep)
- Cómo dormir a un niño con alta o baja receptividad sensorial (PDF)
- Consejos prácticos: cómo mejorar el sueño para niños autistas, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Estrategias para mejorar el sueño de los niños con trastornos del espectro autista: guía para los padres, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Golpearse la cabeza y mecer el cuerpo (PDF)
- Higiene del sueño para niños (PDF)
- La melatonina y los trastornos del sueño con TEA: guía para padres y madres, Autism Speaks (PDF)
- Los que se despiertan de noche (PDF)
- Melatonina para el sueño (PDF)
- Problemas a la hora de dormir (PDF)
- Síndrome de fase de sueño retrasada (PDF)
Transición a la edad adulta (Transition to adulthood)
- Transición a la atención médica para adultos: una lista informativa (PDF)
- Planeando la vida después de la escuela high school para alumnos con TEA, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (PDF)
Uso del baño (Toileting)
- Cómo enseñar a su hijo a ir al baño solo: guía para los padres, Autism Speaks
(PDF) - El entrenamiento para ir al baño y los trastornos del espectro autista, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (PDF)
- Ideas para ir al baño: cómo enseñarle a su niño buenos hábitos para ir al baño (PDF)
- La incontinencia urinaria diurna (PDF)
Vacunas y autismo (Vaccines and autism)
- Las vacunas y el autismo: lo que debe saber, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (PDF)
Getting Started
What to do while waiting for an autism evaluation
How to get early intervention services
Children with developmental delays may qualify for early intervention services even before they have an evaluation or get a diagnosis.
- For children from birth to age 5: Visit Help Me Grow Washington or call the Help Me Grow Washington hotline at 800-322-2588.
- For children over age 5: Contact your local school district to request an evaluation for services.
Getting started after an autism diagnosis
- Look at your evaluation report for specific recommendations for your child
- Books and Websites for Talking to Your Child About Autism (PDF)
- First Steps After an Autism Diagnosis (Video. 1:04:55)
- First 100 days tool kits (Autism Speaks)
- How to Help My Kid Make Progress (Video. 1:02:33)
- Information on Autism Spectrum Disorder for Families (Centers for Disease Control)
- On-Time Autism Intervention Podcast for parents of children ages 0 to 3 (University of Washington)
- Sharing Your Child’s New Diagnosis With School (Somali) (Spanish) (Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds)
- What Is Autism? (Video. 1:04:20)
Classes from Seattle Children's (live and recorded)
These classes are open to anyone and do not require a referral.
- Classes at Seattle Children’s Autism Center (PDF)
- Autism 101: Free 90-minute video lecture introducing families to the basics of autism.
- Conversations About Autism: Free 60-minute live-streamed sessions and recordings of conversations with experts and advocates from Washington state.
- Finding Mental Health Care in Washington State: Free 30-minute classes in English and Spanish for families seeking mental and behavioral health services for children or youth under 18.
- Legal Transitions to Adulthood: A free video class for parents and caregivers of youth in their late teens who will need ongoing support as adults or help with decision-making, disability-related benefits and other services. Watch the class in English (1:30:10), Spanish (1:47:58) or Vietnamese (2:06:22).
Learn about upcoming classes and read articles by autism experts on The Autism Blog.
To learn about classes that require a referral, see Autism Center Treatments and Services.
Living With Autism
Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
Getting ABA
- If you have Medicaid (state insurance), see the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Medicaid Coverage Checklist (PDF) (Amharic) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese).
- If you have private (commercial) insurance, call your insurance provider to confirm ABA is covered and request a list of ABA providers contracted with your plan.
- Contact Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy if:
- Your insurance plan does not cover ABA.
- You want help with insurance issues.
- You have difficulty navigating ABA services.
About ABA
- ADEPT (Autism Distance Education Parent Training) Interactive Learning: A free, online 10-lesson class for parents. Available in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese. (UC Davis MIND Institute)
- Applied Behavior Analysis – What Parents Need to Know (Video. 1:32:38)
- How to Access and Implement ABA Services in Schools (Video. 1:23:52)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:30:33)
- Parent’s Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism (Autism Speaks)
- Tips for Choosing a Provider for Applied Behavior Analysis (Indiana Resource Center for Autism)
- What Is Applied Behavior Analysis? (Autism Speaks)
Autism resource guides
- AS360 Resource Database
- Developmental Screening and Referrals: Community Resource Guide for Families of Children With Autism in Washington State (PDF) (Somali Health Board)
- Family ECHO Autism: A virtual class for families and caregivers raising children with autism (Nationwide Children’s)
- Informing Families
- Northwest Autism Center, serving the Spokane area
- Organization for Autism Research
- Project ECHO Autism Resources
- Supporting the Autism Community in Central and Eastern Washington (Video. 1:35:05)
- The Arc of King County Resource Guide
- The Arc of Tri-Cities Resources
- Top Resources All Families in Washington State Should Know About (Video. 1:04:24)
- University of Washington Medical Center Resources for Families
- Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Families First Online Resources
- Vietnamese Family Autism Advisory Board Resources
- Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy Resource Directory
- Bullying (Autistic Self Advocacy Network)
- Bullying Tool Kit (Autism Speaks)
- (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Camps and recreation
Car seats
Challenging behaviors
- A Voice for Severe Autism (Video. 1:35:39)
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors: Strategies for Families (Video. 2:10:29)
- Books and Websites: Challenging Behavior and Emotion Regulation in Children With Autism (PDF)
- Crisis Supports and Autistic Individuals Without Intellectual Impairment (Video. 1:34:08)
- Parent Training to Address Problem Behaviors of Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:46:08)
- Use of Applied Behavior Analysis to Assess and Treat Disruptive Behavior (Video. 1:27:46)
Child care
- Constipation: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (Spanish)
- Constipation: Treatment of Chronic Constipation and Soiling (PDF) (Spanish)
- High-Fiber Foods (PDF) (Spanish)
- The Poo in You (Video. 5:45) (Children’s Hospital Colorado)
- Center for Pediatric Dentistry (University of Washington)
- Dental Care for Children With Autism (PDF) (Spanish)
- Dental Education in the Care of Persons With Disabilities (DECOD) (University of Washington School of Dentistry)
- Dental Health Guidance for Parents and Caregivers of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDF): Preparing a child with autism for their dental visit (Center for Pediatric Dentistry)
- Dental Tool Kit (Autism Speaks)
- My Visit to the Dentist Social Story (PDF) (Center for Pediatric Dentistry)
- My Visit to the Dentist Social Story (Video. 1:46) (Center for Pediatric Dentistry)
- Oral Health Resources (Washington State Medical Home Partnerships Project)
Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
- Apply to be a client of DDA at the DDA website, or use the DDA Application Packet created by Seattle Children’s Autism Center Family Resources team (Amharic) (Arabic) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese).
- You will need these 3 forms to apply (all are available in multiple languages through these links from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, or DSHS):
- DDA Brochures: Information about many DDA waivers and services (multiple languages)
- DDA Services: Resources to help families understand DDA services, including how to apply and why. To get information in multiple languages, click “Menu” in the upper-left corner, then select the language under “Translate.” (Informing Families)
- Eligible Conditions With Age and Type of Evidence (multiple languages)
- Service and Information Request to formally request DDA services after becoming eligible
- Diapers and Incontinence Supplies Covered by Medicaid (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Russian) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
Disability and Medical Accommodations
Disabled parking permit
- Certificate of Fact (PDF) to submit with the application. In the box “I certify that,” write: “I am the parent/guardian of [child’s name] and am signing the disabled parking permit application for them.”
- Disabled Parking Application for Individuals (PDF) (Washington State Department of Licensing)
- Driving With Autism (Autism Speaks)
- Teens With Autism and Driving
- But I Don’t Wanna Go to School!: Strategies for Addressing School Avoidance (Video. 1:40:09)
- Contact your local school district to request an evaluation for services
- Education and Autism (Autism Speaks)
- Getting to Results: A Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools (Amharic) (Arabic) (Chinese) (Spanish) (Somali) (Tagalog) (Tigrinya) (Vietnamese) (Seattle Special Education PTSA)
- How to Access and Implement ABA Services in Schools (Video. 1:23:52)
- How to Get Your Child Evaluated for Special Education (PDF) (Spanish)
- Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE) (multiple languages)
- Sharing Your Child’s New Diagnosis With School (Somali) (Spanish) (Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds)
- Social Inclusion Through Person-Centered Planning (Video. 1:25:10)
- Special Education Resources (The Arc of King County)
- Special Education Resources (Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction)
- Supports for Students With Disabilities (Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds)
- Washington Homeschool Organization
- Autism and Feeding: Emotional and Behavioral Support (Video. 1:02:28)
- Autism and Feeding: Nutrition Considerations (Video. 1:02:48)
- Autism and Feeding: Safety and Medical Considerations (Video. 1:02:45)
- Autism and Feeding: What Makes Eating Such a Struggle? (Video. 1:01:16)
- Nutritional Considerations in Children With Autism (Video. 1:27:25)
- Nutrition Network for Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs in Washington State
- Pediatric Feeding Program: Patient and Family Education
- What to Do While Waiting for Treatment in the Pediatric Feeding Program (PDF)
Financial resources
- 2-1-1 Washington, or call 211 (available in multiple languages): A free, confidential service to connect families to the local services they need, including utility assistance, food, housing, health, child care, after-school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more
- Ben’s Fund to apply for grants to cover items or services that will help a person with autism reach their full potential
- Charity care and financial assistance at Washington state hospitals:
- ParentHelp123 (English, Spanish and other languages)
- Parks access:
- Public transportation reduced-fare permits:
- Telecommunication Equipment Distribution: For augmentative and alternative communication devices (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services)
- Autism and Genetics: What Parents Should Know (Video. 1:32:39)
- Blood Draw Tips to Help Your Child (PDF)
- Insurance Coverage for Genetic Testing (PDF)
- Is Autism Genetic? (Video. 56:40) (SPARK: Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge)
- Medical Genetics: What You Need to Know About Genetic Testing, Inheritance and How Genetics Can Affect Your Health (PDF)
- SNP Array: Pre-Test Counseling Information (PDF)
- What Causes Autism? Researchers ID 102 Genes Linked to Condition (Healthline)
Health insurance and Medicaid
- Medicaid
- Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) to learn about and apply for free or low-cost health insurance
- Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Premium Payment Program (PDF) to help pay premiums and copays for those with private health insurance from their employer
- Medicaid Services in Washington (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (French) (Russian) (Somali) (Spanish) to help your family find transportation to your child’s medical appointments and a place to stay nearby if your family is approved for Medicaid coverage
- Health Plan Finder Washington to apply for or renew coverage
- Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
- How to Appeal a Health Insurance Denial if your insurance company says no to a treatment or a bill
- File a Complaint if you feel your insurance plan is not providing you with the services you need
- Medicaid
- Housing Resources (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Housing Resources (Informing Families)
- Housing Stability Program (The Arc of King County)
- In Need of Housing or Shelter?: Resources for emergency help (King County Department of Community and Human Services)
- Rental Assistance Resources (PDF) (Public Health-Seattle and King County)
- Helping Your Child Take Medicine (PDF) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Medication Decision Aid (Autism Speaks)
- Portable Medical Summary (PDF) (fillable version)
- Perspectives on Psychiatric Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:22:44)
Mental and behavioral health
- Anxiety Tool Kit (Autism Speaks)
- Autism and Mental Health in Young People (Autism Speaks)
- Crisis Supports and Autistic Individuals Without Intellectual Impairment (Video. 1:34:08)
- Depression: Facts for Families (PDF) (Spanish)
- Mental Health and Autistic Adults With Intellectual Impairment (Video. 1:33:04)
- Mental Health and Autistic Adults Without Intellectual Impairment (Video. 1:27:46)
- Mental Health Resources
- Mental Health Therapy: Child and Family Therapy Options For Your Child With Autism (PDF) (Spanish)
- Mood and Anxiety in Autism (Video. 1:19:58)
- Perspectives on Psychiatric Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:22:44)
- Psychologists and Therapists Specializing in Autism-Related Disorders (PDF)
- Washington’s Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens
- What's the Connection Between Autism and Depression? (Autism Speaks)
- Wraparound With Intensive Services (WISe) (Washington State Health Care Authority)
Occupational therapy
- Recognizing and Treating Trauma-Related Symptoms in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:36:36)
- What Is Occupational Therapy? (Autism Speaks)
Parent and caregiver support
- A Call for Compassion
- A Panel Discussion: Multicultural Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 1:39:18)
- Autism and the African American Experience (Video. 1:29:46)
- Discussing the Father’s Role in Raising Children With Autism (Video. 1:06:59)
- “My Child Has Autism” Wallet Cards (Pathfinders for Autism)
- Open Doors for Multicultural Families (multiple languages)
- Parent to Parent (P2P) Support Programs State Map (The Arc of Washington State)
- Stress Management: Before It Gets to Be Too Much (PDF) (Farsi) (Russian) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Support Groups for Parents or Caregivers of a Child With Autism (PDF) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Supporting the Autism Community in Central and Eastern Washington (Video. 1:35:05)
- Taking Care of Yourself: A Parent’s Guide to Self-Care (Autism Speaks)
- Washington State Fathers Network
- Organization for Autism Research
- Research (Autism Speaks)
- Research and Clinical Trials at Seattle Children’s Autism Center
- Research Projects (University of Washington Autism Center)
Respite is not the same as child care. Respite care is an occasional break or relief while caring for a child with a disability. See child care section above for more information.
DDA is a main source of respite in Washington state. Other resources for families not in DDA include:
- Care and Respite Resource Guide (The Arc of King County)
- Lifespan Respite
- Autism and Police: Staying Safe Together (Video. 1:34:47)
- Autism Support Form (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Russian) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) to share with staff at medical and emergency visits
- Car Seat Options for Children With Behavior Challenges (PDF) (Spanish)
- Conversations About Autism: Safety (Video. 1:06:19)
- Interacting With Law Enforcement (Autism Speaks)
- Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety: A Guide for Parents (PDF) (CEREBRA)
- National Autism Association
- Big Red Safety Box: Free safety tool kit for autism families who need tools to prevent wandering
- Safety Videos for Families of Children With Special Needs (Safe Kids)
- Smart 911
- Think Safety (Organization for Autism Research)
- 10 Facts Law Enforcement Needs to Know When Serving and Protecting People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) (PDF) (The Arc)
- Wandering Information (Autism Speaks)
Self-care and life skills
- Life Skills and Autism (Autism Speaks)
- Self-Care (Organization for Research Autism)
- Transition to Adulthood – “My Physical Body and Mind Started Shutting Down”: Autistic Burnout and the Costs of Coping and Passing (Video. 1:31:54)
Sensory support
- Sensory Processing Challenges (SPC) (Spanish)
- Sensory Processing Challenges (SPC) Beginning Strategies: Ideas for Changes at Home (Spanish)
- Sensory Processing Challenges (SPC) Intermediate Strategies: Ideas for Changes at Home (Spanish)
- Sensory Processing Challenges (SPC) Advanced strategies: Ideas for changes at home (Spanish)
- Autism in Teens: Helping Your Child Through Puberty (Autism Speaks)
- Gender Dysphoria and Autism: Exploring Identity, Healthcare and Advocacy (Video. 1:25:29)
- Health Needs for Young Adults: Transition Tool Kit, including information on puberty and sexuality (Autism Speaks)
- Healthy Relationships Program (The Arc of King County)
- Puberty and Sexuality Education Resources for Youth With Autism (PDF)
- Relationships and Sexuality and Gender (The Arc of King County)
- Social Stories: Appropriate Behaviors (Living Well With Autism)
- The Healthy Bodies Tool Kit (Spanish) (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
Sibling support
- Autism From a Sibling’s Perspective: Panel Discussion (Video. 1:30:12)
- Autism, My Sibling and Me: For young children with siblings with autism (Organization for Autism Research)
- Brothers, Sisters and Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Siblings (Organization for Autism Research)
- Life as an Autism Sibling: A Guide for Teens (Organization for Autism Research)
- Sibling Support Project
- Sibshops at Seattle Children’s
- Supporting Siblings Both On and Off the Spectrum (Video. 1:04:29)
- What’s Up With Nick? (PDF): Teaches about autism for children and teens (Organization for Autism Research)
- What’s Up With Nick? (Video. 2:52) (Organization for Autism Research)
- Autism and Sleep Issues (Video. 1:11:21)
- Bedtime Problems (PDF) (Spanish)
- Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) (PDF) (Spanish)
- Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (PDF) (Spanish)
- Head Banging and Body Rocking (PDF) (Spanish)
- Helping Your Overly or Under-Sensory Responsive Child Get to Sleep (PDF) (Spanish)
- Managing Sleep Challenges: Conversations About Autism (Video. 1:00:42)
- Melatonin for Sleep (PDF) (Spanish)
- Nightwakings (PDF) (Spanish)
- Pediatric Sleep Log (PDF) (Spanish)
- Sleep and Autism: The Bumpy Road to the Land of Nod (Video. 1:35:46)
- Sleep Hygiene for Children (PDF) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Sleep Resources (Autism Speaks)
Social stories
- Blood Draw Visual Aid (PDF) (Spanish) (Somali)
- My Visit to the Audiology Clinic Social Story (PDF)
- Social Stories (Carol Gray)
- Social Stories for Going to the Dentist (Pathfinders for Autism)
- Social Thinking
- What to Expect During Your Outpatient EEG Test at Seattle Children’s (PDF)
Speech and communication
- Assistive Technology for Communication Roadmap (Autism Speaks)
- ATN/AIR-P Visual Supports and Autism (Autism Speaks)
- Autism (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication Problems in Children (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders)
- Early Communication: How to Communicate With Your Child With Autism: Includes nonspeaking autistic advocate Grant Blasko (Video. 1:05:27)
- First Steps After an Autism Diagnosis: Includes nonspeaking autistic advocate Tariq Jones (Video. 1:31:38)
- Frequent Questions About Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) (PDF)
- Programs for Parents (The Hanen Centre)
- Strategies to Promote Language Development (PDF) (French) (Spanish)
- Using Books to Enhance Your Child's Communication (PDF) (Spanish)
- Visual Supports: Tools That Help With Communication (PDF) (Spanish)
- Finding the Best Exercise to Fight Obesity With Autism (Autism Parenting Magazine)
- Physical Fitness (Autism Speaks)
- The Challenge of Physical Fitness for People With Autism (Kennedy Krieger Institute)
- Weighing Up Autism’s Obesity Crisis (Spectrum News)
Local programs offering adaptive activities:
- Outdoors for All
- Parks and Recreation Specialized Programs: Contact your city or county agency for fitness opportunities
- Special Olympics Washington
- TOPSoccer (Washington Youth Soccer)
- Water Safety for Children With Autism and Resources for Adaptive Swim Lessons (PDF) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- We Rock the Spectrum
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Spanish) (other languages) (Social Security Administration)
- Applying for Social Security (Under 18) (Informing Families)
- Applying for Social Security (Over 18) (Informing Families)
Talking to your child about autism
- Books and Websites for Talking to Your Child About Autism (PDF)
- Talking to Your Kids About Their Diagnosis of Autism (Video. 1:02:23)
- Ten Tips for Discussing Autism With Your Child (PDF) (University of Washington)
- 13 Tips for Talking to Your Child About Their Autism (ParentMap)
- A Parent’s Guide to Toilet Training Children With Autism (PDF) (Autism Speaks)
- Daytime Wetting (PDF) (Spanish)
- Tips for Toileting (Video. 1:02:23)
- Toilet Training for Individuals With Autism and Developmental Disabilities (Video. 1:56:33)
- Toileting Tips: How to Teach Your Child Good Potty Habits (PDF) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish)
- Tips for Flying (Marcus Autism Center)
- Traveling With Children (Transportation Security Administration)
- Wings for Autism (The Arc of King County)
Vaccines and Autism
- Autism and Vaccines (Autism Science Foundation)
- Autism and Vaccines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Common Questions About Vaccines (Spanish) (KidsHealth)
- Measles (multiple languages) (Public Health-Seattle & King County)
Voices of Autism
- How Autism Freed Me to Be Myself (Video. 6:12) (Rosie King/TED)
- In Our Own Words: A Panel of Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video. 14:20)
- My Autism and Me (Video. 14:20) (Rosie King/BBC)
- We Have a Voice: A Panel of Individuals With ASD (Video. 1:31:11)
Transitioning to Adulthood
Adult transition overview
- Autism and Transition to Adulthood: Overview and Planning Tools (PDF) (Spanish)
- Future Planning 101 (The Arc Center for Future Planning)
Videos and classes
Community and recreation
Contact your local chapter of The Arc of Washington State to ask about adult day programming or community activities.
Contact your local Parks and Recreation Departments to ask about specialized or adaptive programs and services.
- Aaron’s Place (Northwest’s Child)
- All Aboard
- Alyssa Burnett Adult Life Center
- Bridge of Promise
- Friendship Adventures
- Full Life Care
- Max Higbee Center (Bellingham)
- Stephen's House (Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation)
- Summit Community Center
- Tavon Learning Center
- The Art of Autism
- Vibrant Palette
- Autism and Transition to Adulthood: Employment (PDF) (Spanish)
- Employment (Informing Families)
- Employment Resource Guide (Arc of King County)
- Roadmap to Meaningful Employment for Autistic Adults (Autism Speaks)
- Services for Individuals with Disabilities (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation)
- Graduating from the pediatrician to the adult doctor (Autism Speaks)
- Health Care Skills Checklist (University of Washington Adolescent Health Transition Project)
- Moving to Adult Healthcare (Center for Transition to Adult Health Care for Youth with Disabilities)
- Navigating the health care system with autism (Adult Autism Health Resources Harvard Medical School)
- Primary Care Resources for Adults on the Autism Spectrum and their Primary Care Providers (Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education)
- Transitioning to Adult Healthcare (Seattle Children’s)
Higher education
Housing for adults
See the “Housing” header under “Living With Autism,” above, for additional resources.
- Community Homes offers housing workshops to help families understand and navigate their housing journey.
- Community Residential Services for Adults(Developmental Disabilities Administration)
- HomeChoice Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (Washington State Housing Finance Commission)
- Homeownership Program (Parkview Services)
- Housing Resource Guide (Arc of King County)
- Housing and Community Living (Autism Speaks)
- Partners4Housing provides consultation in developing a sustainable residential model for people with disabilities.
Legal, financial and long-term planning
See the “Financial Resources” header under “Living With Autism,” above, for additional resources.
- Autism and Transition to Adulthood: Guardianship, Conservatorship and Other Legal Considerations (PDF)
- Autism and Transition to Adulthood: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (PDF) (Spanish)
- Creating Natural Supports for Those With Autism (Psychology Today)
- Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund
- Special Needs Trusts (Arc of King County)
- Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Social Security Administration)
- Washington State ABLE Savings Plan
Videos and classes
- After Parents are Gone: Building a Circle of Support (National Council on Severe Autism)
- Financial Planning for When Parents are Gone (National Council on Severe Autism)
- Your Child With Disabilities Is Turning 18 (Seattle Children’s Medical-Legal Partnership; also available in Spanish and Vietnamese)
Life skills and behavior support
Some organizations listed under the “Community and recreation” header, above, also offer life skills and behavior coaching and support.
- Adolescent Autonomy Checklist (OHSU)
- Delphi Young Adults (Aspiring Youth)
- Individualized Transitional Guidance (Enigma ASD Services)
- Teaching self-care skills to autistic youth with high support needs (Autism Speaks)
Relationships and sexuality
See the “Sexuality” header under “Living With Autism,” above, for additional resources.
- Disability and Sexual Assault (UW Medicine)
- How to start “The Talk” with your child or adult with intellectual disabilities (DSHS)
- Individuals with Autism and Relationships (The Arc Autism Now Project)
- Navigating Puberty, Sex and Sexuality: A Guide for Supporting Autistic Teens and Adults (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
- Puberty, Sex and Sexuality: An Introduction for Autistic Teens and Adults (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
School transition
- Phases of School Transition (Informing Families)
- Transition to Adulthood (Center for Parent Information and Resources)
- School to Work Transition (DSHS) (Spanish)
- Transition Plans Despite the Barriers (National Council on Severe Autism)
Support and advocacy
- Advocacy (Arc of Washington State)
- American Association of People With Disabilities
- Association for Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE)
- Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)
- Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network (AWN)
- Be the Change (Arc of King County)
- Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds
- Roadmap to Self-Empowerment for Autistic Adults (Autism Speaks)
- Self-Advocates (Organization for Autism Research)
- Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
- Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL)
Contact Us
If you would like an appointment at the Autism Center, ask your child’s primary care provider to refer you.
Learn more about how to get services at the Autism Center.
Providers, see how to refer a patient.
To add or update a resource, please email us.
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