Flow Cytometry Core

Flow Cytometry Services

The Flow Cytometry Core supports faculty and students at Seattle Children's Research Institute as well as investigators at other academic institutions and private companies.

The core provides access to state-of-the-art cell sorters, analyzers and workstations; training and technical support of investigators; assistance with experimental design, data analysis and interpretation; and assistance in developing novel multicolor flow cytometric techniques.

In addition to reading about the instruments available in our lab, you can view links to helpful information about reagents and cytometry tools that may be helpful as you set up and run your experiments.

Available Instruments


The core has two BD LSRII instruments, one with four lasers (405nm, 488nm, 532nm and 635nm) and one with five lasers (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 635nm). Each of these instruments has 18 fluorescent parameters in addition to the FSC and SSC parameters. Both LSR instruments also have a high throughput system (HTS) that acquires samples from multi-well plates. The core also has an LSR Fortessa instrument with five lasers (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 635nm) and an 18 fluorescent parameter configuration.

Other analyzers in the core include a CytoFLEX with three lasers (405nm, 488nm,and 635nm) and a 10 fluorescent parameter configuration; two Symphony A5 analyzers with five lasers (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 635nm) and a 29 fluorescent parameter filter configuration; and a ZE5 with five lasers (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 635nm) and a 27 fluorescent parameter configuration.


The core has a BD ARIA II sorter that has five lasers, and 18 fluorescent parameters in addition to the FSC and SSC parameters. The lasers are 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 635nm. This ARIA matches the lasers, parameters and filters of both LSRs.

Seattle Children’s Research Institute’s A/BSL3 facility has an additional ARIA sorter that has three lasers and nine fluorescent parameters in addition to the FSC and SSC parameters. The lasers are 405nm, 488nm and 635nm.

Both ARIA instruments can perform up to four-way bulk sorting for a variety of tube sizes. Both instruments can also sort into multi-well plates. Both ARIA instruments are equipped with an aerosol management option (AMO).


Below are links to information on reagents that may be helpful as you set up and run your experiments:

Cytometry Tools

Below are links to information on cytometry tools that may be helpful as you set up and run your experiments:

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