The Autism Blog

Tips for a Safe Halloween for Your Child With Autism

October 22, 2012

Halloween can be overwhelming for children with autism. Ensure a positive experience with these 8 tips:

  1. Costume Practice: Let your child wear their costume at home for comfort and adjustments.

  2. Social Narrative: Create a story about Halloween activities to help your child prepare.

  3. Visual Schedule: Map out your Halloween plans visually to provide a clear understanding.

  4. Practice Runs: Familiarize your child with trick-or-treating by visiting friends or family in a comfortable setting.

  5. Short & Sweet: Keep trick-or-treating brief, especially if it helps accommodate your child's comfort level.

  6. Role Play: Practice receiving and giving treats through role-playing to ease social interactions.

  7. Gradual Decorations: If your child struggles with change, gradually decorate your home for Halloween.

  8. Individualized Approach: Remember, Halloween is unique for every child with autism. Trust your instincts and embrace whatever feels right for your child, even if it's just a few houses.