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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Athletic Training Program

Promoting health, wellness and safety for young athletes at Puget Sound-area schools and community events.

Seattle Children’s Athletic Training Program provides on-site licensed athletic trainers for schools and community organizations during practices, games and other events, like sports camps. Our athletic trainers provide coverage to more than two dozen public high schools across the Puget Sound area. We are experienced working with athletes from a wide range of sports, including football, soccer, lacrosse, gymnastics, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, track and field, tennis, golf, swimming, volleyball, cross country and many others.

What do athletic trainers do?

Seattle Children’s athletic trainers work with kids, teens, coaches and parents to make sure young athletes are well prepared for sports activities, get proper treatment for injuries and can return to play safely and quickly. They are part of sports medicine at Seattle Children’s along with the Concussion Program, the Sports Medicine Program and Sports Physical Therapy.

All Seattle Children’s athletic trainers:

  • Hold degrees from accredited programs, have passed the board of certification exam for athletic trainers and have expertise working with young athletes. Learn more about athletic trainer certification and training.
  • Are licensed healthcare providers through the Washington State Department of Health. Learn more about athletic trainers in Washington state (PDF).
  • Design programs to meet the unique needs of young athletes. We recommend age-appropriate injury prevention, teach proper technique and use clear, understandable language to teach children about sports and related health issues.
  • Are part of the Concussion Program. We can evaluate athletes for concussion following guidelines of Seattle Children’s and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.
  • Work to protect the best interests of the children we serve. As liaisons between student-athletes, parents and coaches, athletic trainers help make sure the student-athletes’ health comes first.
  • Evaluate and care for injuries on-site, provide information about at-home care, refer athletes and parents for further care and follow up to check that athletes are recovering well.

Services We Provide

Seattle Children’s athletic trainers provide the following services:

  • Immediate emergency care and treatment, including stabilizing the neck (cervical spine) and responding to heart (cardiac) emergencies
  • Return-to-play evaluations
  • Injury prevention, assessment, care and rehabilitation
  • Concussion evaluation, return-to-play progression and clearance and concussion management
  • Taping and bracing as needed
  • Sport-specific conditioning and flexibility training recommendations
  • Education about sports safety and nutrition
  • Referrals when medically necessary and close work with your child’s other healthcare providers

To learn more about the Athletic Training Program or how our athletic trainers can provide medical coverage at your sporting events for kids and teens, please contact Lee Martin and Liz Kakos Resig at 206-987-2159  or by email.

What’s special about the Athletic Training Program at Seattle Children’s? 

Staying and getting back in the game 

  • We pride ourselves on prevention and education. We teach athletes, coaches and parents “prehabilitative” exercises to promote strength, stability and balance before kids take part in sports and reduce their risk of getting injured later.  
  • In the event of an injury, our team works closely with the athlete, family and coaches to ensure a safe, yet swift, recovery. Whether it’s ruling out a fracture or treating a , our athletic trainers can help save athletes an unnecessary trip to the emergency room or urgent care.  
  • We can determine if an athlete has a concussion and when they can safely return to play.  

The largest, most experienced team in our region 

  • Seattle Children’s Athletic Training Program offers the largest, most trusted team of pediatric-focused, Washington state licensed certified athletic trainers in our region.  
  • Each year, our athletic trainers provide coverage at more than 5,000 sporting events and conduct tens of thousands of assessments and treatments in the greater Puget Sound area. 

We’re here for you when you need us

Athletic trainers’ community outreach  

  • Our athletic trainers are available on a fee-for-service basis to cover a wide range of athletic events, including regional sporting events and sports camps.  
  • The athletic trainers tailor their services to the specific needs of the participants at each of these events. 
  • To learn more about the Athletic Training Program or how our athletic trainers can provide medical coverage at your sporting events for kids and teens, please contact Lee Martin and Liz Kakos Resig at 206-987-2159 or by email.

Schools We Serve

Highline Public High Schools
  • Evergreen 
  • Highline 
  • Tyee
Lake Washington School District High Schools
  • Eastlake 
  • Juanita 
  • Redmond
Mercer Island High School
  • Mercer Island
Northshore School District High Schools
  • Inglemoor 
  • North Creek 
  • Woodinville
Renton School District High Schools
  • Hazen 
  • Lindbergh 
  • Renton
Seattle Public High Schools
  • Ballard 
  • Chief Sealth 
  • Cleveland 
  • Franklin 
  • Garfield 
  • Ingraham 
  • Lincoln 
  • Nathan Hale 
  • Rainier Beach 
  • Roosevelt 
  • West Seattle
Tukwila School District High Schools
  • Foster
Vashon Island School District High Schools
  • Vashon

Questions? Contact Us

Athletic Training Program