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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.



Finding an Allergy Brake

Researchers in the Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies at Seattle Children’s Research Institute and colleagues have discovered a new mechanism in human mast cells: They express an inhibitory receptor called Siglec-9 that can act as a brake on their activation.


Manuscript Accepted for Oral Presentation at Collegium Internationale Allergologicum

The Piliponsky lab’s DOCK8 abstract was accepted for oral presentation at the CIA meeting on September 22, 2022. Session 7 – Genomics, environmental factors and precision medicine; cells involved in inflammation and anaphylaxis.

Manuscript Accepted by The Journal of Clinical Investigation

In collaboration with Lakshmi Rajagopal and Adrian Piliponsky.

Mast cell derived factor XIIIA contributes to sexual dimorphic defense against group B Streptococcal infections.

Piliponsky AM, Sharma K, Quach P, Brokaw A, Nguyen S, Orvis A, Saha SS, Samanas NB, Seepersaud R, Tang YP, Mackey E, Bhise G, Gendrin C, Furuta A, Seo AJ, Guga E, Miralda I, Coleman MM, Sweeney EL, Bäuml CA, Imhof D, Snyder JM, Moeser AJ, Rajagopal L.

J Clin Invest. 2022 Aug 25:e157999. doi: 10.1172/JCI157999.

Online ahead of print. PMID: 36006736

Abstract selected for presentation at EMBRN 2022

The Piliponsky lab’s abstract, “Mast cell derived FXIIIA contributes to sexual dimorphic defense against Group B Streptococcal infections,” has been selected for presentation during the EMBRN 2022 meeting at Utrecht, the Netherlands, in July 2022.

Dr. Irina Miralda at the Annual AAI Conference

Dr. Irina Miralda was chosen for a poster and oral presentation entitled “Ligation of Siglec-9 inhibits FcƐRI-dependent mediator release from human mast cells” during IMMUNOLOGY2022™, the annual conference for the American Association of Immunologists. She was also awarded the AAI Minority Scientist Award and 2022 AAI Trainee Abstract Award to attend this meeting.