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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Meet the Team

  • Hazik Asif, PhD

    Hazik Asif, PhD

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    As a young adult, the mysteries of how our bodies would respond to different pathophysiology fascinated me. I wanted to stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before me, and have my research provide further insight for those who come after me. I obtained a BS in biology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Afterwards, I attended the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine for a PhD in cellular and molecular pharmacology and physiology, while simultaneously earning my MPH at the University of Southern California. When I am not pursuing my research interests, I am spending time with my amazing wife, playing basketball, and traveling and visiting family.

  • Lauren Bennetts

    Lauren Bennetts

    Research Technician I

    When I was 7, I read a series of books about an adventurous mouse known as Geronimo Stilton. In one story, an epidemic causing blue pimples hit Mouse Island; the mice called upon the most famous researcher to find a cure. I remember asking my mom if we could make cures in the kitchen… To embark on my dream of becoming a researcher, I attend the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I received a BS in psychological and brain sciences. This ignited my passion for neuroscience and immunology. Outside of the lab I enjoy running, hiking, and playing trivia.

  • Nina  Derby, PhD

    Nina Derby, PhD

    Senior Research Scientist

    As a kid, I got a lot of stomach viruses that would keep me in bed. I would dream about my body as various parts of the military, defending me from illness, and I wondered about how the body makes us healthy again when we get sick. After obtaining a BA in biochemistry from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, I moved to Seattle for a PhD in pathobiology at the University of Washington. There I studied immunology and what really makes up the body’s army. My research interests are in the innate host response to inflammation in tissues, especially as that caused by HIV infection. I am passionate about the impact of chronic inflammation on the liver. When I am not working, I am chasing my three wild and amazing children, cooking, and growing vegetables in my garden.

  • Brooke Johnson

    Brooke Johnson

    Research Scientist I

    I attended Western Washington University where I received a BS in cell and molecular biology. Some of my research interests are spatial immunology, host-pathogen interactions, and women’s health. Outside the lab I enjoy taking my dog on adventures, consuming as much coffee as possible, and learning new things.

  • Cris Luevano-Santos

    Cris Luevano-Santos

    Research Scientist I

    One of my favorite book series I read as a child were the Franny K. Stein: Mad Scientist books about a 7-year-old girl with an incredible mind who weirded out those around her with her strange behavior, intelligence, and experiments. It made me wonder if I too could become a mad scientist and create a living, breathing monster with just a few chemicals, electricity, and my school lunch. My enthusiasm for science continued throughout my life and I graduated with a BS in biology from Saint Martin’s University in 2017. I’m currently working on getting into medical school to pursue my dream of becoming a physician. While I have yet to define my research interests, I do have a growing desire in becoming a physician-scientist. Outside of work, I spend my time volunteering with non-profits and educating myself on social justice issues. My interests include baking, making art, hiking with my dog, and spending time with family.

Contact Us

Don Sodora, PhD

For questions or inquiries,
email: [email protected]

Physical Address

Center for Global Infectious Disease Research
307 Westlake Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98109