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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


Listed below is a selection of recent publications from the Myler Lab. See a full list on PubMed.

RNA-seq analysis reveals differences in transcript abundance between cultured and sand fly-derived Leishmania infantum promastigotes. Alcolea PJ, Alonso A, Baugh L, Paisie C, Ramasamy G, Sekar A, Sur A, Jiménez M, Molina R, Larraga V, Myler PJ (2018) Parasitol Int 67:476-480. 

Multiplexed Spliced-Leader sequencing: A high-throughput, selective method for RNA-seq in trypanosomatids. Cuypers B, Domagalska MA, Meysman P, de Muylder G, Vanaerschot M, Imamura H, Dumetz F, Verdonckt TW, Myler PJ, Ramasamy G, Laukens K, Dujardin J (2017). Sci Rep. 7:3725. 

Ligand co-crystallization of animoacyl-tRNA synthetases from infectious disease organisms. Moen SO, Edwards TE, Dranow DM, Clifton MC, Sankaran B, Van Voorhis WC, Sharma A, Manoil C, Staker BL, Stewart LJ, Myler PJ, Lorimer DD. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 16;7(1):223.

Mycofactocin-associated mycobacterial dehdrogenases with non-exchangeable NAD cofactors Haft DH, Pierce PG, Macylin SJ, Sullivan A, Gardberg AS, Abendroth J, Begley DW, Phan IQ, Myler PJ, Marathias VM, Lorimer D, Edwards TE. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 25;7:41074.

Membrane skeletal association and post-translational allosteric regulation of Toxoplasma gondii GAPDH1. Dubey R, Staker BL, Foe IT, Bogyo M, Myler PJ, Ngô HM, Gubbels MJ. Mol Microbiol. 2017 Feb;103(4):618-634.

Biochemical and structural characterization of selective allosteric inhibitors of the Plasmoidum falicparum drug Targe, Prolyl-tRNA-synthetase. Hewitt SN, Dranow DM, Horst B, Abendroth JA, Forte B, Hallyburton I, Jansen C, Baragana B, Choi R, Rivas K, Hulverson MA, Dumais M, Edwards TE, Lorimer DD, Gray DW, Read KD, Kirk K, Myler PJ, Wernimont A, Walpole C, Stacy R, Barrett LK, Gilbert IH, Van Voorhis WC. ACS Infect Dis. 2017 Jan 13;3(1):34-44.

Integrative analysis of the Trypanosoma brucei gene expression cascade predicts differential regulation of mRNA processing and unusual control of ribosomal protein expression. Antwi E, Haanstra J, Ramasamy G, Jensen B, Droll D, Rojas F, Minia I, Terrao M, Merce C, Matthews K, Myler PJ, Parsons M, Clayton C. BMC Genomics. 2016 Apr 26;17:306.

An arginine deprivation response pathway is induced in Leishmania during macrophage invasion. Goldman-Pinkovich A, Balno C, Strasser R, Zeituni-Molad M, Bendelak K, Rentsh D, Ephros M, Wiese M, Jardim A, Myler PJ, Zilberstein D. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Apr 4;12(4):e1005494.

Structural insight into how bacteria prevent interference between multiple divergent type IV secretion systems. Gillespie JJ, Phan IQ, Scheib H, Subramanian S, Edwards TE, Lehman SS, Piitulainen H, Sayeedur Rahman M, Rennoll-Bankert KE, Staker BL, Taira S, Stacy R, Myler PJ, Azad AF, Pulliainen AT. MBio. 2015 Dec 8;6(6):e01867-15.

Size does matter: 18 amino acids at the N-terminal tip of an amino acid trasporter in Leishmaia determine substrate specificity. Schlisselberg D, Mazarib E, Inbar E, Rentsch D, Myler PJ, Zilberstein D. Sci Rep. 2015 Nov 9;5:16289.