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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Welcome to the Jaspan Lab
Welcome to the Jaspan Lab

Jaspan Lab

The Jaspan Lab seeks to better understand the interplay between host microbial and immunological factors that impacts susceptibility to infectious diseases in infant and adolescents from sub-Saharan Africa. Our overarching goal is to pinpoint mechanisms by which dynamic community structures of commensal bacteria regulate immunology at mucosal surfaces and how that ultimately mitigates or promotes susceptibility to infectious disease. We additionally seek to elucidate the role that maternal HIV infection has on these commensal communities, and the resultant effects of HIV exposure on infant immunity immunology and vaccine responses. We utilize clinical, preclinical and computational approaches to address these topics.

Meet Our Team

Meet the Jaspan Lab team.

Join the Lab

Contact us if you are interested in our lab and our research.

In the News

Jan. 30, 2023
Copper Intrauterine Device Affects Vaginal Bacteria and Inflammation

July 1, 2022
Publication Q&A: Factors Influencing Maternal Microchimerism Throughout Infancy and its Impact on Infant T cell Immunity

Contact Us

Heather B Jaspan, MD, PhD

For questions or inquiries,
email: [email protected]
telephone: 206-854-3336

Physical Address

Center for Global Infectious Disease Research
307 Westlake Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98109