Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC)

Participate in a MOC-Approved Project

Would you like to participate in a MOC-approved project at Seattle Children’s Hospital?

If so, please read about our projects and contact one of the leaders.

MOC Project Lifecycle Participant

About Seattle Children’s MOC Portfolio

Seattle Children's participates in the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Multi-Specialty MOC Portfolio Approval Program (Portfolio Program). The Portfolio Program offers a single process for healthcare organizations to support medical staff involvement in quality-improvement and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) across multiple ABMS specialties. This pathway offers a streamlined approach for organizations, such as Seattle Children's, that sponsor and support multiple well-designed quality-improvement efforts involving medical staff across multiple disciplines to work with participating ABMS member boards to grant Part 4 MOC credit to physicians (and Category 1 PI-CME credit to physician assistants) who are involved in those improvement efforts. (View a list of ABMS member boards involved in the ABMS Portfolio Program.)  

Part 4 MOC Credit (and Category 1 PI-CME Credit for PAs) Requirements

To receive Part 4 MOC credit (e.g., 25 American Board of Pediatrics points)/Category 1 PI-CME Credit from Seattle Children's MOC Program, all physicians/physician assistants must complete the following:

Attend at least three team meetings where a run chart is evaluated to assess the impact of the intervention. One meeting must be the Attestation Meeting.

  • Collect and monitor data to assess the impact of the intervention. We suggest that data collection and usage include:  
    • Use of relevant outcome, process and balancing measures to effectively assess impact of interventions and potential unintended consequences
    • Sufficient sample size to support effective assessment of the impact of the intervention. The frequency of the data collection should be appropriate to the measures for the QI effort.
    • Timely feedback reports at the appropriate unit of analysis to allow frequent, rapid improvement cycles
    • Evidence that data are of sufficient quality to provide accurate guidance to the project team
    • Use of appropriate charting or reporting tools to document performance over time (e.g., annotated run charts, control charts, etc.)
    • Activities should be of sufficient duration to allow for physician participation in at least one full “PDCA cycle” (cycle of assessment, intervention and re-measurement).
    • Participation in more than one full PDCA cycle is strongly encouraged and will be a requirement in the future.

    Submit attestation form

    • Complete an online Attestation and submit to the project leader for review and approval. All attestations are also reviewed by the Seattle Children's Portfolio Program.

    Approved Projects for Physicians/Physician Assistants With a Relationship With Seattle Children’s or Its Affiliates

    We are excited to offer many opportunities for physicians to learn how to continuously improve the delivery of care to their patients. Read more.