Current Research Studies

Orthopedics - Pediatric Tibial Spine Fractures Prospective Cohort

What is the goal of this study?

The primary objective of this study is to establish a comprehensive prospective cohort that examines numerous aspects of tibial spine fractures, including current treatment practices and short- and long-term outcomes.

In addition, targeted sub-studies will be developed to rigorously examine specific treatments or outcomes involved in tibial spine fractures. These sub-studies will incorporate different study designs or methodologies depending upon the nature of the question and will be submitted as separate yet linked studies with a required inclusion criteria of participation in this broader prospective cohort study.

Who can join the study?

  • Aged 5 – 25 years old
  • Patients are diagnosed with a tibial spine fracture
  • Relatives of patients may also be asked to participate in the study

What will happen if my child takes part in this study?

  • Patients will be screened and enrolled at the time of diagnosis
  • Patients will be followed up with during post-op or follow-up clinical appointments. Patients will be followed for up to 10 years

Who can I contact for more information?

For more information, please contact