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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


  • National Pediatrician-Scientist Collaborative Workgroup comment on new ACGME requirements' impact on pediatric physician-scientists.

    Moore DJ, Powell W, Boyer D, Bline K, Harshman L, Nowalk A, Burns A, Orange JS, NPSCW

    37684431 Pediatric research , 2023 Sep 8

  • From small to big, using microRNA profiling to investigate infant origins of childhood asthma.

    Powell WT, Reeves SR

    37536728 The European respiratory journal , 2023 Aug.: 62 (2 )

  • Temperature synchronisation of circadian rhythms in primary human airway epithelial cells from children.

    Powell WT, Rich LM, Vanderwall ER, White MP, Debley JS

    36198442 BMJ open respiratory research , 2022 Oct.: 9 (1 ) PMCID: PMC9535174

  • Physician-Scientist Training and Programming in Pediatric Residency Programs: A National Survey.

    Burns AM, Moore DJ, Forster CS, Powell W, Thammasitboon S, Hostetter MK, Weiss P, Boyer D, Ward MA, Blankenburg R, Heyman MB, Rassbach CE, McPhillips H, French A, Nguyen S, Byrne BJ, Parsons DW, Gonzalez F, Nowalk AJ, Ho J, Kumar S, Orange JS, Ackerman KG

    34280401 The Journal of pediatrics , 2022 Feb.: 241 5-9.e3

  • Trends in clinical presentation of children with COVID-19: a systematic review of individual participant data.

    Christophers B, Gallo Marin B, Oliva R, Powell WT, Savage TJ, Michelow IC

    32942286 Pediatric research , 2022 Feb.: 91 (3 ) 494-501 PMCID: PMC7965792

  • Parenthood, Parental Benefits, and Career Goals Among Pediatric Residents: 2008 and 2019.

    Powell WT, Dundon KMW, Frintner MP, Kornfeind K, Haftel HM

    34814184 Pediatrics , 2021 Dec 1: 148 (6 )

  • Parenthood and Parental Leave Decisions in Pediatric Residency.

    Dundon KM, Powell WT, Wilder JL, King B, Schwartz A, McPhillips H, Best JA, APPD LEARN Parenthood in Pediatric Residency Study Consortium

    34584002 Pediatrics , 2021 Oct.: 148 (4 )

  • Perspectives from the Society for Pediatric Research: advice on sustaining science and mentoring during COVID-19.

    Forster CS, Nguyen ST, Powell WT, Moore DJ, Ho J, Heyman MB, Wenger TL, Gonzalez F, Hostetter M, Nowalk A, Rassbach CE, Boyer D, Weiss P, Blankenburg RL, Orange JS, Ackerman KG, Burns AM, National Pediatric Physician-Scientist Collaborative Workgroup

    33469179 Pediatric research , 2021 Oct.: 90 (4 ) 738-743 PMCID: PMC7814517

  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children undergoing polysomnography.

    DelRosso LM, Chan J, Ruth C, Powell WT, Arp M, Hanevold C, Ferri R

    33535275 Journal of sleep research , 2021 Aug.: 30 (4 ) e13280

  • Acute ANCA Vasculitis and Asymptomatic COVID-19.

    Powell WT, Campbell JA, Ross F, Peña Jiménez P, Rudzinski ER, Dickerson JA

    33472989 Pediatrics , 2021 April: 147 (4 )

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