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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Lab Team

  • Matt Fought, BS, MS

    Matt Fought, BS, MS

    Research Scientist II

    With experience in microbiological testing in industry, I’m excited to join Dr. Laguna’s laboratory, transition into research and understand the role that microorganisms play in cystic fibrosis. I’m thrilled to join a dynamic and diverse team that’s committed to understanding this complex condition and contributing to transformative advances in healthcare.

  • Ali Quinn, BA

    Ali Quinn, BA

    Clinical Research Coordinator I

    It's an honor to be part of Dr. Laguna's laboratory team as her CRC. Having prior experience conducting clinical trials, Dr. Laguna's protocols have offered me a unique look into investigator-led studies. Our team is committed to a patient-centered and inclusive approach in examining the complex questions of cystic fibrosis.