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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

From Discovery to Marketplace

For Industry

The Intellectual Property Core works to commercialize intellectual property generated by Seattle Children’s researchers, clinicians and workforce members so our discoveries and innovations can lead to better outcomes for kids. We seek to partner with industry and investment groups via out-licensing, collaborative research and creation of startups.

  • MDmetrix
  • Umoja Biopharma
  • Gentibio
  • Wavely Diagnostics
  • MicrobiomX
  • Haxide
  • KeyProteo

Invention Disclosures Received

Invention Disclosures Received

Gross Royalty Revenue Received

Contact Us

Intellectual Property Core

For questions or inquiries, email