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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

Meet the Team

Members of the Grill Lab Pose with Seattle in the background

  • Jonathan Amezquita

    Jonathan Amezquita

    Graduate Student

  • Nelson Ayala

    Nelson Ayala

    Doctoral Student

  • Dez Coleman

    Dez Coleman

    Doctoral Student

  • Elizabeth Kwan

    Elizabeth Kwan

    Senior Scientist

  • Mathew Neal

    Mathew Neal

    Senior Scientist

  • Karla Opperman

    Karla Opperman

    Research Lab Supervisor

  • Joe  Pak

    Joe Pak

    Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Rachel Ren

    Rachel Ren

    Research Technician


Brock Grill




Grill Lab
Norcliffe Foundation Center for Integrative Brain Research
Seattle Children's Research Institute
M/S JMB-10
1900 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101