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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


  • Inspiratory rhythm generation is stabilized by Ih.

    Burgraff NJ, Phillips RS, Severs LJ, Bush NE, Baertsch NA, Ramirez JM

    35675444 Journal of neurophysiology , 2022 Jun 8

  • Leukocytes mediate disease pathogenesis in the Ndufs4(KO) mouse model of Leigh syndrome.

    Stokes JC, Bornstein RL, James K, Park KY, Spencer KA, Vo K, Snell JC, Johnson BM, Morgan PG, Sedensky MM, Baertsch NA, Johnson SC

    35050903 JCI insight , 2022 Mar 8: 7 (5 ) PMCID: PMC8983133

  • Dynamic Rhythmogenic Network States Drive Differential Opioid Responses in the <i>In Vitro</i> Respiratory Network.

    Burgraff NJ, Bush NE, Ramirez JM, Baertsch NA

    34697095 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience , 2021 Dec 1: 41 (48 ) 9919-9931 PMCID: PMC8638687

  • Dual mechanisms of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the inspiratory rhythm-generating network.

    Baertsch NA, Bush NE, Burgraff NJ, Ramirez JM

    34402425 eLife , 2021 Aug 17: 10 PMCID: PMC8390004

  • Unraveling the Mechanisms Underlying Irregularities in Inspiratory Rhythm Generation in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease.

    Oliveira LM, Baertsch NA, Moreira TS, Ramirez JM, Takakura AC

    33863785 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience , 2021 May 26: 41 (21 ) 4732-4747 PMCID: PMC8260248

  • Remodeling of the Homer-Shank interactome mediates homeostatic plasticity.

    Heavner WE, Lautz JD, Speed HE, Gniffke EP, Immendorf KB, Welsh JP, Baertsch NA, Smith SEP

    33947797 Science signaling , 2021 May 4: 14 (681 ) PMCID: PMC8300860

  • Neuronal mechanisms underlying opioid-induced respiratory depression: our current understanding.

    Ramirez JM, Burgraff NJ, Wei AD, Baertsch NA, Varga AG, Baghdoyan HA, Lydic R, Morris KF, Bolser DC, Levitt ES

    33826874 Journal of neurophysiology , 2021 May 1: 125 (5 ) 1899-1919 PMCID: PMC8424565

  • Peptides, Breathing, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

    Burgraff NJ, Baertsch NA, Ramirez JM

    33549332 Trends in neurosciences , 2021 March: 44 (3 ) 167-169 PMCID: PMC8645383

  • Dissociable control of unconditioned responses and associative fear learning by parabrachial CGRP neurons.

    Bowen AJ, Chen JY, Huang YW, Baertsch NA, Park S, Palmiter RD

    32856589 eLife , 2020 Aug 28: 9 PMCID: PMC7556873

  • Insights into the dynamic control of breathing revealed through cell-type-specific responses to substance P.

    Baertsch NA, Ramirez JM

    31804180 eLife , 2019 Dec 5: 8 PMCID: PMC6957314

  • A spatially dynamic network underlies the generation of inspiratory behaviors.

    Baertsch NA, Severs LJ, Anderson TM, Ramirez JM

    30918122 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2019 Apr 9: 116 (15 ) 7493-7502 PMCID: PMC6462111

  • Modeling breathing rhythms.

    Ramirez JM, Baertsch NA

    30907725 eLife , 2019 Mar 25: 8 PMCID: PMC6433460

  • Perinatal Breathing Patterns and Survival in Mice Born Prematurely and at Term.

    Ramirez SC, Koschnitzky JE, Youngquist TM, Baertsch NA, Smith CV, Ramirez JM

    31543825 Frontiers in physiology , 2019: 10 1113 PMCID: PMC6728753

  • The Dynamic Basis of Respiratory Rhythm Generation: One Breath at a Time.

    Ramirez JM, Baertsch NA

    29709210 Annual review of neuroscience , 2018 Jul 8: 41 475-499 PMCID: PMC6548330

  • The interdependence of excitation and inhibition for the control of dynamic breathing rhythms.

    Baertsch NA, Baertsch HC, Ramirez JM

    29483589 Nature communications , 2018 Feb 26: 9 (1 ) 843 PMCID: PMC5827754

  • Intermittent apnea elicits inactivity-induced phrenic motor facilitation via a retinoic acid- and protein synthesis-dependent pathway.

    Baertsch NA, Baker TL

    28814632 Journal of neurophysiology , 2017 Nov 1: 118 (5 ) 2702-2710 PMCID: PMC5672539

  • Reduced respiratory neural activity elicits a long-lasting decrease in the CO2 threshold for apnea in anesthetized rats.

    Baertsch NA, Baker TL

    27474512 Experimental neurology , 2017 Jan.: 287 (Pt 2 ) 235-242 PMCID: PMC5683180

  • A novel excitatory network for the control of breathing.

    Anderson TM, Garcia AJ 3rd, Baertsch NA, Pollak J, Bloom JC, Wei AD, Rai KG, Ramirez JM

    27462817 Nature , 2016 Aug 4: 536 (7614 ) 76-80 PMCID: PMC5479418

  • Intermittent reductions in respiratory neural activity elicit spinal TNF-α-independent, atypical PKC-dependent inactivity-induced phrenic motor facilitation.

    Baertsch NA, Baker-Herman TL

    25673781 American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology , 2015 Apr 15: 308 (8 ) R700-7 PMCID: PMC4398856

  • Spinal TNF is necessary for inactivity-induced phrenic motor facilitation.

    Broytman O, Baertsch NA, Baker-Herman TL

    23878370 The Journal of physiology , 2013 Nov 15: 591 (22 ) 5585-98 PMCID: PMC3853497

  • Inactivity-induced respiratory plasticity: protecting the drive to breathe in disorders that reduce respiratory neural activity.

    Strey KA, Baertsch NA, Baker-Herman TL

    23816599 Respiratory physiology & neurobiology , 2013 Nov 1: 189 (2 ) 384-94 PMCID: PMC3898815

  • Inactivity-induced phrenic and hypoglossal motor facilitation are differentially expressed following intermittent vs. sustained neural apnea.

    Baertsch NA, Baker-Herman TL

    23493368 Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2013 May 15: 114 (10 ) 1388-95 PMCID: PMC3656425

  • Spinal atypical protein kinase C activity is necessary to stabilize inactivity-induced phrenic motor facilitation.

    Strey KA, Nichols NL, Baertsch NA, Broytman O, Baker-Herman TL

    23152633 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience , 2012 Nov 14: 32 (46 ) 16510-20 PMCID: PMC3530258