Meet the Hive Lab Team
Julia Dunbar
Julia Dunbar is a PhD candidate at the University of Washington’s Information School. Her research is at the intersection of health informatics and HCI. She studies how to design technologies to help pediatric kidney transplant patients reflect on and identify barriers during their kidney transplant journey.
HyeYoung Ryu
HyeYoung Ryu is a health informatics researcher earning her PhD at the University of Washington. Using human-centered design methods, she aims to mitigate healthcare barriers for underserved populations and empower them with the technology to actively manage their own care.
Joseph William Tan Garcia
Joseph Tan Garcia is a UW Information School graduate student in information management. He is passionate about all things related to health technology, socio-technological interactions and health inequity. He strives for health accessibility and equity through discourses in technology and information alike.
Yubing Tian
Yubing Tian is a PhD candidate at the University of Washington’s Information School. Her research interests include data infrastructures and visualization studies.