Selected Publications
Phenotypic Classification
- Wu J, Heike C, Birgfeld C, Evans K, Maga M, Morrison C, Saltzman B, Shapiro L, Tse R. Measuring Symmetry in Children With Unrepaired Cleft Lip: Defining a Standard for the Three-Dimensional Mid-facial Reference Plane. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2016 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26752127
- Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Heike CL, Sie KC, Birgfeld CB, Evans KN, Leroux BG. Phenotypic sub-grouping in microtia using a statistical and a clinical approach. Am J Med Genet A 2015; 167(4):688-694.
- Birgfeld CB, Evans KN, Tse R, Booth L, Keys K, Saltzman B, Stuhaug E, Kapadia H, Heike CL. Reliability of nasolabial anthropometric measures using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry in infants with unrepaired unilateral cleft lip. Plast Reconstr Surg 2014; 133(4):530e-42e.
- Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Sie KC, Birgfeld CB, Leroux BG, Evans KN, Smartt JM Jr., Tieu DD, Dudley DJ, Heike CL. Interrater reliability of a phenotypic assessment tool for the ear morphology in microtia. Am J Med Genet A 2013; 161(6):1264-1272. PMCID: PMC3664118.
- Birgfeld CB, Saltzman BS, Hing AV, Heike CL, Khanna PC, Gruss JS, Hopper RA. Making the diagnosis: metopic ridge versus metopic craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg 2013; 24(1):178-185.
- Birgfeld CB, Saltzman BS, Luquetti DV, Latham K, Starr JR, Heike CL. Comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images for phenotypic assessment of craniofacial microsomia. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2013; 50(3):305-314.
- Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Vivaldi D, Pimenta LA, Hing AV, Cassell CH, Starr JR, Heike CL. Evaluation of ICD-9-CM codes for craniofacial microsomia. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2012; 94(12):990-995. PMCID: PMC3522759.
- Birgfeld CB, Luquetti DV, Gougoutas AJ, Bartlett SP, Low DW, Sie KCY, Evans KN, Heike CL. A phenotypic assessment tool for craniofacial microsomia. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127(1):313-320.
- Atmosukarto I, Shapiro LG, Starr JR, Heike CL, Collett B, Cunningham ML, Speltz ML. Three-dimensional head shape quantification for infants with and without deformational plagiocephaly. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2010; 47(4):368-377. PMCID: PMC2899494.
Multicenter, Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Research Protocol Development
- Weinberg SM, Raffensperger ZD, Kesterke MJ, Heike CL, Cunningham ML, Hecht JT, Kau CH, Murray JC, Wehby GL, Moreno LM, Marazita ML. The 3D Facial Norms Database Part 1: A web-based craniofacial anthropometric and image repository for the clinical and research community. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2015; ePub date 2015/10/23.
- Luquetti, D., Heike, C., Saltzman, B., Johns, A., Drake, A., Sarwer, D., Leroux, B., Kapp-Simon, K., & Speltz, M. (2015, April). Craniofacial microsomia: longitudinal outcomes in children pre-kindergarten (CLOCK). Poster presented at the 72nd Annual American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
- Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Vivaldi D, Pimenta LA, Hing AV, Cassell CH, Starr JR, Heike CL. Evaluation of ICD-9-CM codes for craniofacial microsomia. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2012; 94(12):990-995. PMCID: PMC3522759.
- Heike CL, Stueckle LP, Stuhaug ET, Pimenta LA, Drake AF, Vivaldi D, Sie KC, Birgfeld CB. Photographic protocol for image acquisition in craniofacial microsomia. Head Face Med 2011; 7(1):25. PMCID: PMC3286411.
- Heike CL, Upson K, Stuhaug E, Weinberg SM. 3D digital stereophotogrammetry: a practical guide to facial image acquisition. Head Face Med 2010; 6:18. PMCID: PMC2920242.
Translational Research
- Brinkley JF, Mejino JL, Detwiler LT, Travillian RS, Clarkson M, Cox TC, Heike CL, Cunningham ML, Hochheiser H, Shapiro LG. Towards understanding craniofacial abnormalities: the ontology of craniofacial development and malformation. AMIA Summits Transl Sci Proc 2013; December 5. [Epub ahead of print.] PMCID: PMC3845743.
- Brinkley JF, Borromeo C, Clarkson M, Cox TC, Cunningham ML, Detwiler LT, Heike CL, Hochheiser H, Mejino JL, Travillian RS, Shapiro LG. The ontology of craniofacial development and malformation for translational craniofacial research. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013; 163(4):232-245.
- Wang KH, Heike CL, Clarkson M, Mejino JL, Brinkley JF, Tse RW, Birgfeld CB, Fitzsimons DA, Cox TC. Evaluation and integration of disparate classification systems for clefts of the lip. Frontiers in Physiology. 2014 May 14;5:163. eCollection. Review.
Clinical Outcomes and Other Work
- Heike CL, Hing AV, Aspinall CA, Bartlett SP, Birgfeld CB, Drake AF, Pimenta LA, Sie KC, Urata MM, Vivaldi D, Luquetti DV. Clinical care in craniofacial microsomia: A review of current management recommendations and opportunities to advance research. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2013; 163(4):271-282.
- Birgfeld CB, Heike CL, Saltzman BS, Hing AV. Clinical Characteristics and Surgical Decision Making for Infants with Metopic Craniosynostosis in Conjunction with Other Congenital Anomalies. Plast Reconstr Sur Glob Open. 2013 Nov 7;1(7):e62. eCollection.
- Collett BR, Gray KE, Starr JR, Heike CL, Cunningham ML, Speltz ML. Development at age 36 months in children with deformational plagiocephaly. Pediatrics 2012; 131(1):e109-115. PMCID: PMC3529956.
- Birgfeld CB, Heike CL. Craniofacial microsomia. Semin Plast Surg 2012; 26(2):91-104. PMCID: PMC3424699.
- Collett BR, Heike CL, Atmosukarto I, Starr JR, Cunningham ML, Speltz ML. Longitudinal, three-dimensional analysis of head shape in children with and without deformational plagiocephaly or brachycephaly. J Pediatr 2012; 160(4):673-678 e1. PMCID: PMC3290708.
- Heike CL, Luquetti, DV, Hing AV. Craniofacial Microsomia Overview (2009, revised 2014). In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1997-2009.
- Birgfeld CB, Heike CL. Craniofacial Microsomia, Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2012, May; 26; 91-103. PMCID: PMC3424699.