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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Lab Members

Jim Olson Lab Members

Lisa Ang, PhD Lisa Ang, PhD

Research Technician IV

Ian Blumenthal, PhD Ian Blumenthal, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ken Brasel Ken Brasel

Research Scientist III

Steven Chen, PhD Steven Chen, PhD

Research Scientist III

Heather Conti Heather Conti

Research Associate I

Zachary Crook, PhD Zachary Crook, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

Emily  Girard Emily Girard

Staff Scientist, Supervisor

Hailey Hentschel Hailey Hentschel

Research Technician III

Jason  Leubner, PhD Jason Leubner, PhD

Program Manager I

Sinduja Marx, PhD Sinduja Marx, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Andrew  Mhyre, PhD Andrew Mhyre, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Management

Shelli Morris, PhD Shelli Morris, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Management

Paru Muthuraman Paru Muthuraman

Research Technician II

James M Olson, MD, PhD James M Olson, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator, Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute and Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders Research

Akinsola Oyelakin, PhD Akinsola Oyelakin, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kristina Pilat Kristina Pilat

Research Scientist III

Raymond Ruff Raymond Ruff

Research Scientist III

Yusuke Suita, PhD Yusuke Suita, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Alison Williams, PhD Alison Williams, PhD

Research Scientist IV

Chunfeng Yin Chunfeng Yin

Research Scientist III