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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

Research and Scholarship

Scholarship at the Treuman Katz Center aims to advance equitable care and research for all children, families, and communities. The center’s work spans topics within palliative care, clinical ethics, research ethics, public health ethics, medical education and more. For example, current scholarship at the center aims to: 

  • Improve family-centered care for children with medical complexity.
  • Support families and clinicians in communication and decision-making. 
  • Incorporate patient and community values into biomedical technology development and implementation. 
  • Make informed consent processes accessible and meaningful to families considering research participation. 
  • Develop institutional processes to reduce bias and improve inclusion in medicine and research. 
  • Advance communication skills in medical education. 

Check out our labs to learn more about the center's scholars and their work. 

The Treuman Katz Center hosts a variety of activities to support research and scholarship in pediatric bioethics and palliative care. Center activities include a research seminar series, visiting scholar program, research incubator fund for investigators, research staff funding program, topic-focused working groups and more. 

Contact us to learn more. 

External Resources

View a list of center-approved resources providing further information about bioethics.