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Illustration of a calendarIllustration of a document pageIllustration of a heart over a handIllustration of an envelopeIllustration of the letter i inside a circleIllustration of a map markerIllustration of a caduceusIllustration of a user with a plus signIllustration of a telephoneIllustration of a question mark inside a circleIllustration of a video camera
High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Visual Narratives

A Collaboration Between Seattle Children's and mejo®

mejo logo and app screen shotsThe Bogetz Lab at Seattle Children’s is collaborating with mejo®, a company dedicated to creating tools and resources to support caregivers and parents to deliver a new visual narrative feature in the mejo web app.

The collaborative effort aims to empower families to easily create visually stunning showcases highlighting their loved ones' lives outside the hospital. This initiative includes development of an intuitive interface guiding families to seamlessly integrate photos and videos, and could help clinicians quickly gain a deeper understanding of their patients.

The visual narrative feature, which complements mejo’s existing suite of caregiving tools, is available in the mejo app.

Families and healthcare providers can learn more about this free innovative tool by visiting

In the News

Mejo and Seattle Children’s Collaborate to Enhance Patient Care with Innovative Visual Narrative Feature
KTLA, Sept. 10 2024