Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.
Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.
Seattle Children’s Guild Association is the largest all-volunteer fundraising network for any hospital in the nation. Our guilds raise funds through a variety of fun and community-centered events, from auctions to 5Ks.
Learn more about the guilds in your area and how to get involved.
Find your people. Live your purpose.
Read the latest issue of Guild News. (PDF)
We serve as the umbrella organization for all our guilds, and we support their efforts by providing inspiration, fundraising advice and resources.
We serve Seattle Children’s through advocacy, philanthropy, and volunteerism to ensure hope, care, and cures for all children in our region.
We are grateful for a membership that embraces our core values and leans into them as fundraisers and advocates for Seattle Children’s.
Legacy: Advance Seattle Children’s founding promise to provide care to all children in our region regardless of ability to pay.
Compassion: Demonstrate empathy for patients, families, staff, and one another.
Generosity: Share our time, talents, and resources.
Inclusion: Foster a diverse and inclusive community among Guild Association members.
Integrity: Maintain transparency and honesty at all times, both among our membership and in our operations.
Innovation: Incorporate new ideas for fundraising, advocacy and operational excellence.
The Guild Association is governed by a board of trustees – dedicated volunteers who serve as advocates for Seattle Children’s mission and “success coaches” for all guilds, including their own. The Seattle Children’s Guild Association Board of Trustees also approves the Guild Association’s budget and works with hospital leaders to determine the focus of the Funding Hope initiative.
Learn about recent projects our guilds have done to support the programs below in Guild News Spotlight.
“Thank you for your commitment to Seattle Children’s Guild Association. As dedicated guild members, through your exemplary volunteerism and fundraising, you help Seattle Children’s provide hope, care and cures so that every child can live the healthiest and most fulfilling life. It is an honor to serve as your Guild Association Board Chair and a privilege to serve alongside a dedicated group of 16 trustees committed to stewarding the dollars you help raise for Seattle Children’s. As the largest volunteer organization of any children’s hospital across the country, our Guild Association is making an impact thanks to the work of more than 200 guilds and over 3,000 members.
From Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula to Eastern Washington and cities in between, your efforts to support uncompensated care, research and numerous specialty programs make a difference for our patients and their families. We are so grateful!
I am so proud of what we accomplish together for our patients and families. I look forward to continuing this incredible support in the months and years ahead. Please know that the Guild Association volunteer leadership and staff are always here to help. We want your volunteer experience to be fun and rewarding. Thank you for being part of the Guild Association family!”
“I’m excited to share the story on page 3 that celebrates the Guild Association +4 in 2024 Challenge. Guilds have stepped up in many creative ways to recruit new members, and it’s never too late to boost your roster! This focus on expanding our membership and sharing ideas for how to retain current members will continue in 2025. My gratitude to all of you for keeping top of mind ways you can use your circles of engagement to support the work at Seattle Children’s.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and I want to give special thanks to the many guilds that raise funds for innovative research that brings hope, care and cures to children in our region and around the world. Seeley’s extraordinary story on page 10 is just one example of how your work translates into lifechanging answers for families in need.
Thank you for playing a crucial part in finding those answers.”