Ron Lawrence Kaplan, MD

- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- Research Center: Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- On Staff Since: August 2003
Ron L. Kaplan, MD, is an emergency attending physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital and clinical associate professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He earned his MD with highest honors from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.
He completed his residency at the University of North Carolina Hospitals and a fellowship in pediatric emergency medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston. He is board certified in general pediatrics and pediatric emergency medicine by the American Board of Pediatrics, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine. His teaching responsibilities include education in the emergency department and monthly didactic sessions with Seattle Children’s housestaff. He is involved in the research project Clinical Decision Rule for Identifying Children with Cerebrospinal Fluid Pleocytosis at Very Low Risk for Bacterial Meningitis.
Board Certification(s)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
University Of North Carolina School Of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School, Chapel Hill, NC
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Research Focus Area
Translational Research
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Loading...No Publications found for Ron Lawrence Kaplan, MD
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Ron Lawrence Kaplan, MD.