Janet A Englund, MD

- Academic Title: Professor
- Research Center: Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- On Staff Since: November 2002
"I've always been interested in preventing disease. Finding ways to keep children healthy is what I love to do. I began focusing on vaccines because they are one of the best ways to stop children and adults from getting sick in the first place. By working to make vaccines safe and effective, I feel like I'm making a difference in the lives of many people around the world."
Janet A. Englund, MD: Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. My research interests include the study of vaccine-preventable diseases and viral respiratory diseases in young children and immunocompromised hosts, including transplant recipients, as well as the evaluation of antiviral therapy for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases.
As a leader in the field of infectious diseases (ID), respiratory viruses, and infections in children, I have particular interests in assessing the epidemiology of the study of viral infections and assessing vaccine effectiveness.  As a member of the CDC-sponsored New Vaccine Surveillance Network, I work with Dr. Klein to direct protocol development and patient enrollment to assess viral epidemiology and vaccine effectiveness for acute respiratory and gastrointestinal disease. Our Pediatric ID Research group is actively involved in the follow-up of pregnant women and a longitudinal study of children infected with SARS-CoV-2. Over the past 30 years, I have had extensive experience in initiating, managing, and analyzing clinical trials, vaccine studies, and national and international research protocols, in addition to a track record for successful collaborative research. I have played leadership roles in multicenter, federally-sponsored networks and research trial units, including the NIH-sponsored AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, the Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Unit, and New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN). My interest in protecting patients from viral diseases has contributed to national and international policies regarding pediatric immunization with rotavirus and papillomavirus vaccines, and maternal immunization with respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and pertussis vaccines. I am enthusiastic to work to further our understanding of important respiratory and enteric viral infections, and to contribute to controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2.Â
Board Certification(s)
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
Fairview-University Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Research Description
I study the impact of respiratory virus infections in children and adults, with a special interest in patients at high risk for severe disease. I have studied the diagnosis, epidemiology, and prevention of respiratory diseases using novel diagnostic tests, vaccines, antivirals, and other therapeutics, and evaluated respiratory diseases in diverse populations, including neonates, pregnant women, immunocompromised children, and communities in the USA and developing countries. I have worked to improve prevention of viral diseases around the world. My recent work with the Seattle Flu Study (SFS) and Public Health WA and King County has resulted in landmark studies of SARS-CoV-2 in the community. We have conducted large-scale respiratory virus surveillance using innovative online recruiting and self-swabbing, resulting in identification of early SARS-CoV-2 community spread. SFS has pioneered innovative methods of diagnosis and study design in populations including households, homeless shelters and healthcare workers. I evaluate novel approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory viruses and vaccination in immunocompromised hosts with my colleagues at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, including Michael Boeckh, MD, and Alpana Waghmare, MD and Chikara Ogimi, MD. My long-standing partnership with Eileen Klein, MD, MPH, at Seattle Children’s Hospital has enabled research on respiratory and enteric viruses as part of the New Vaccine Surveillance Network in outpatient clinics, Emergency Department, and inpatient settings over the past 12 years. I have also studied new vaccines, vaccine uptake and acceptance in multiple settings, including hospitalized children, with Danielle Zerr, MD, MPH, and Annika Hofstetter, MS, MD, PhD.
Research Focus Area
Immunocompromised Hosts, Infectious Disease, Virology
Related Resources
Pediatric Infectious Disease Research Group’s COVID-19 Research
The Infectious Disease (ID) Research Program is dedicated to discovering better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent infectious diseases.
Janet Englund, MD Researcher Profile
View the Seattle Children's Research Institute profile of Janet Englund including their publications and grants.
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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