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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


The overall purpose of the Crossett Fund is to improve the health of children living in Southeast Alaska. The fund aims to strengthen existing Southeast child health resources and to provide seed funding for new projects/programs. The fund provides seed money for new projects, and funds prevention, education and health promotion.

Emergency pediatric medicine, early childhood programs, injury prevention and positive parenting are just a few of the ways the Crossett Fund has touched Southeast children and families.


Many years ago, Reuben E. Crossett owned and operated the Pioneer Bar in Ketchikan, Alaska. Rube was deeply committed to the community and he supported young people in a variety of ways.

Rube held an annual fundraiser/ruckus night with the men of Ketchikan. They ate wild game and drank, until they donated lots of money and invariably accidentally broke the front window of the bar. The money raised helped people in need with rent, food, and healthcare.

In 1985, Rube died, leaving a large portion of his estate in trust to Seattle Children's Hospital for the health and well-being of the children of Southeast Alaska. Thus, in 1988, the Reuben E. Crossett Endowed Alaskan Fund was activated. Today we try to carry on Rube’s legacy, supporting community projects aimed to improve the health and lives of Southeast Alaskan children.

Contact Us

Seattle Children’s administers the Crossett Fund. We are honored to be stewards of this fund and are always looking for new applicants. We welcome interest from all manner of Southeast child and community serving entities and encourage you to contact us.

Please direct all inquiries to Malia D'Alio at 808-291-8865 or by email.