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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

A Seattle Children's provider checks a patient's arm

Sports Medicine, Sports Physical Therapy and X-ray

OBCC Connection to the Olympics

OBCC Sports Medicine Director headed to Paris Olympics.

Dr. Monique Burton will be volunteer team physician for the USA Track & Field Team at the Paris Olympics. Watch her on New Day NW or read the story.

Care and injury prevention for active, growing kids and teens

Whatever your child’s unique needs are, Odessa Brown Children's Clinic has the expertise to care for them. We provide coordinated, customized care to evaluate and treat your child’s needs and abilities. We give your child complete care and get them back to their usual sports or physical activities. We focus not only on healing current injuries but also on preventing injuries in the future and improving performance. Common injuries we provide care for include strains, sprains, tendinitis, growth related injuries, overuse injuries, fractures, stress fractures and concussions.

Sports Medicine Clinic

OBCC sports medicine providers evaluate athletes of all ages and abilities at every activity level and in all types of sports, recreational and physical activities. We diagnose, treat and prevent a wide range of sports injuries and work with patients and families to create a customized plan to help your child return to activity as efficiently and safely as possible. Common injuries we provide care for include strains, sprains, tendinitis, growth related injuries, overuse injuries, fractures, stress fractures and concussions. Your child gets quick access to care, and you do not need a referral to make an appointment.

To make an appointment, call 206-987-7210.

No referral is needed.

Learn more about Seattle Children's Sports Medicine Program.

A male teen stands on a bosu balance ball while holding two red weights in his hands

Sports Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists specializing in pediatric sports physical therapy work with kids to regain function following sports and orthopedic injuries. We also specialize in throwing assessments, running gait assessments, functional movement screening (FMS. SFMA), Schroth Therapy (for scoliosis), blood flow restriction therapy, and return to activity assessments.

To make an appointment, call 206-987-6400.

Referral is required.

Learn more about Seattle Children's Sports Physical Therapy.

A school-aged girl smiles while getting an x-ray on her arm by a female provider

X-ray Services

OBCC Othello offers X-ray services for patients ages 0 to 21. An X-ray is a form of energy that can pass through child’s bone and tissue to create an image. This image helps doctors find and diagnose conditions in the body. A referral from your child’s provider is required. No appointment is necessary. This may be part of your OBCC sports medicine evaluation or ordered by your referring provider.

Referral required, but no appointment is necessary.

Learn more about Seattle Children's Radiology and X-ray Services.

Refer a Patient

If you are a provider, fill out the New Appointment Request Form (PDF) (DOC). Fax the NARF and any additional chart notes or relevant documentation to 206-985-3121 or 866-985-3121 (toll-free).

Learn more about referring patients to Seattle Children's.

Contact Odessa Brown Children's Clinic

Call Odessa Brown Children's Clinic at 206-987-7210.

The Othello clinic location is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., and is closed on Sundays.