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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic Innovation Hub

Community Measurement and Innovation Hub

Through data-driven assessments and collaboration with the community, the Community Measurement and Innovation Hub through Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) helps further the clinic’s priorities to address illness and disease, advance health equity and improve the health and well-being of patients, families and the community.

The Community Measurement and Innovation Hub was established in 2022 to provide a community-based approach to address the medical challenges experienced by the patient populations OBCC has historically served. We involve the OBCC community when gathering input and evaluating current and future programs and services — what is working well, what changes need to be made, and whether the changes or latest programs we develop are successful.

A chart that shows the interconnectedness of OBCC's staff and providers, governance council and administration are with patients and families.Who’s Involved? 

  • OBCC Patient families
  • OBCC Administration
  • OBCC Staff & Providers
  • The OBCC Governance Council
  • Community stakeholders/Partner organizations

Our Vision

In a data-driven world, we aim to gather the expertise and experiences of patients, families and community partners and stakeholders to guide decisions regarding adolescent and pediatric care and identify projects that benefit and enhance the health and well-being of OBCC patients, families and our community.

What We’re Doing 

Through the Community Measurement and Innovation Hub, we are:

  • Building and deepening community relationships by participating in public forums focused on improving pediatric care and improving quality of life for our patients.
  • Using scientific data and feedback from community conversations to develop recommendations for health initiatives and health equity programs at OBCC.
  • Reviewing clinical trial applications to ensure that research aligns with our values and promotes health equity for OBCC’s patient population.

How We’re Doing it 

We have several ways we are gathering feedback and promoting collaboration among our patients, families, community members and OBCC teams.

  • Governance Council: The council works with OBCC leaders to provide strategic leadership of the clinic to achieve equity, diversity and inclusion priorities. The council identifies systemic issues of inequity at OBCC and develops recommendations for solutions. The council’s members ensure that the needs and perspectives of the OBCC community inform decision-making when reviewing new programs and services or changes to existing programs and services. They also monitor the effectiveness of any changes.
  • Community Grand Rounds: Our OBCC Town Hall Series covers diverse topics to help us better understand the issues impacting our patients, families and the community we serve.
  • Community Assessment Meetings: Patients and families are at the center of the work we do. We gather feedback from patients, families and community members when planning, developing and implementing new processes. Once complete, we will continue to evaluate how we are doing and whether we are effectively and equitably meeting the needs of those we serve.
  • Innovation Hub Research Review Committee: Provides administrative support to the research review committee in when reviewing, designing and implementing new research projects. The committee also shares updates about each project with patients, families and the community.

For More Information 

To learn more, contact [email protected]. To get involved, please attend our upcoming community events.