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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


Questions, Complaints and Concerns about Seattle Children’s Research

Contact the IRB Office at [email protected] or 206-987-7804.  

Contact Information for Researchers and Study Teams

The IRB Office is a fully remote office. IRB staff are available via email and phone. In general, Microsoft Teams messaging should not be used to communicate with IRB staff.

Questions/inquiries about pending submissions should be directed to the assigned IRB staff member (listed at the top of the Click submission page). If an IRB staff member has not yet been assigned to the submission, contact the IRB Office at [email protected] or post the question/inquiry as a comment on the Click submission page. 

For questions/inquiries that are not about a pending submission, contact the IRB Office at [email protected]. If a study is assigned to the lifecycle model, inquiries will be forwarded to the study’s assigned staff member whenever possible.

Emails and Click comments are generally addressed within 72 hours. If the communication is urgent, identify it as such in the email subject line and IRB staff will respond as soon as possible.

Reliance inquires

For questions/inquiries about the reliance process, contact SCH Rely at [email protected]

Refer to the Single IRB (sIRB) and External IRB Process pages for additional information.

Emergency use inquires

Refer to the Emergency Use page for additional information.

Office Hours

Starting February 11, 2025, the IRB will host weekly virtual office hours to provide quick, accessible support to Seattle Children’s researchers who have specific questions about IRB submissions, documents that are being prepared, processes or requirements. Please note that office hours are for Seattle Children's investigators and study team members only.

A REDCap form is available for study teams to submit questions. This form will start accepting submissions just before the start of each office hours session. Once a question is submitted in the form, attendees will be redirected into the Teams meeting.

View the form, along with information about current days and times for the sessions.

The staff hosting the event will answer questions in the order they are submitted. Study teams should come prepared with specific questions and any materials that they are preparing for IRB review. Generally, conversations about a question will be limited to 15 minutes in order to provide access to multiple attendees.

For more comprehensive questions, see “Request a Consult” below. If you are unsure whether your question needs a full consultation, feel free to attend Office Hours to discuss with an IRB analyst.

Request a Consult

If your questions/inquiries would benefit from a more comprehensive discussion, a phone consultation can be requested. Consultations are not required for any study or submission unless otherwise communicated by IRB staff.

Consultation requests for pending submissions, should be directed to the assigned IRB staff member (listed at the top of the Click submission page).

For other consultation requests, email the IRB Office at [email protected] to request a consult. In the email, include the following information:

  • Relevant Click study or submission ID (if applicable)
  • Questions, inquiries, topics and/or issues that you would like to discuss
  • Relevant background
  • The name(s) of any IRB staff that you have already communicated with about the questions, inquiries, topics and/or issues (if applicable)

To ensure the consultation is assigned to the appropriate staff, be as specific as possible in your description of the questions, inquiries, topics and/or issues that you would like to discuss. As needed, IRB staff may ask for additional information.

Availability of phone consultations may be limited depending on IRB staffing. If this is the case, IRB staff will assist you via email.  

Research Team Feedback

To provide feedback about your experience with the review of a specific IRB submission, please complete this brief survey. Your feedback will be used to improve the review process and user experience for researchers, and is sincerely appreciated.

General feedback can be directed to [email protected]. Feedback that requires immediate attention or response can also be sent to this email address. The IRB Feedback email inbox is monitored by IRB Office management.

Emails are generally addressed within 72 hours. If the communication is urgent, identify it as such in the email subject line and IRB staff will respond as soon as possible.

IRB Staff Contact Information

IRB Chair

Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH

IRB Vice Chair

Danielle Lewis, MD, MPH

Office of Institutional Assurance (OIA) Senior Director

Laurie Price, JD

Office of Institutional Assurance (OIA) Manager and Regulatory Attorney

Kelly Lawrence, JD

IRB Manager

Tia Mynes, MS

Office of Institutional Assurance (OIA) Analyst, Lead, Standards

Alisyn McCallister, BA

Office of Institutional Assurance (OIA) Analyst, Lead, Click

Kar Mun Koh, MS

Human Subjects Protection Analysts

Lauren Beliveau, BS
Laurie Berger, MA
Sydnee Dismuke, BS
Julia Dursi, BS
Savanna Garcia, BS
Chami Sanlors, MS
Cindy Wang, MPA

Human Subjects Protection Associate

Stacey Hanson, BA

Program Coordinators

Aileen Delansig, BA
Shae Ponce

Contact Us

Questions or inquiries

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 206-987-7804

Mailing address

Institutional Review Board
Seattle Children’s
MS 818-RI
PO Box 5371
Seattle, WA 98145-5005