Current Research Studies

Multicenter Investigation of Neonatal and Infant Nutrition and Outcomes in Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy


  • Phase: N/A

What is the goal of the study?

This is a multicenter study, utilizing a single IRB of record at Cincinnati Children’s, consisting of two separate components. The first component that includes only Aim 1 is retrospective, using data from two other IRB approved studies – WE-ROCK (CCHMC IRB# 2021-0265) and ICONIC (CCHMC IRB# 2021-0103). The second component is a prospective observational study, enrolling eligible patients at participating sites undergoing CKRT as standard of care. The aims include: 1. Determine differences in international practice patterns of neonatal and infant continuous kidney replacement therapy prescriptions and the relationship between dose and major adverse kidney events. 2. Prospectively determine if variability in continuous kidney replacement therapy dose impacts solute (micronutrient, vitamins, and amino acid) losses resulting in negative solute balance. 3. Determine if negative solute balance during continuous kidney replacement therapy results in impaired growth and worse functional outcomes among survivors at 1 year.

Who can participate in the study?

Please contact the study team listed below to learn more.

Study Team: