Diabetes Translational Research Study
What is the goal of the study?
The Diabetes Translational Research project is a continuation of the JDRF Study of Autoimmunity (IRB #11115), although with broader aims. This project is a natural history study that proposes to better understand the Type-1 diabetes disease process, using a combination of genetic testing, immunologic markers such as islet antibodies and peripheral blood mononuclear cell assays, and metabolic testing measuring aspects of glucose homeostasis such as insulin secretion and sensitivity. With this underlying purpose, multiple studies will be performed over an indefinite period of time to improve the understanding of diabetes and other immune mediated diseases. For example, we will perform studies to understand the phenotype, (clinical, metabolic, or immunologic) associated with a particular genotype. While some studies will address specific hypothesis, others will be hypothesis generating.
Who can participate in the study?
Please contact the study team listed below to learn more.