Current Research Studies

CHaractErizing CFTR Modulated Changes in Sweat Chloride and their Association with Clinical Outcomes (the CHEC-SC Study)


  • Condition(s): Other
  • Phase: N/A
  • ID: NCT03350828

What is the goal of the study?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease which results in a defect in the protein which encodes for the CF translator membrane regulator (CFTR) protein. This defect affects salt (sodium and chloride) and water transport throughout the body. Sweat chloride testing is standard of care for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF). With the recent introduction of CFTR genetic modifiers, sweat chloride testing has shown that there is a reduction in sweat chloride levels after the initiation of treatment. This study will enroll 5000 people with CF who are being treated with a CFTR modulator to assess the impact on sweat chloride levels in a broader population. A PK/PD study will be conducted at selected sites. Participants will be asked to complete a survey which aims to determine willingness to participate in future studies after starting CFTR modulators.

Who can participate in the study?

Please contact the study team listed below to learn more.

Study Team: