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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.


Dr. David Beier has authored dozens of research papers, including the selected publications listed below. To see more of his publications, view a complete list on PubMed.

  • Loss of the ciliary kinase Nek8 causes left-right asymmetry defects.

    Manning DK, Sergeev M, van Heesbeen RG, Wong MD, Oh JH, Liu Y, Henkelman RM, Drummond I, Shah JV, Beier DR

    23274954 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN , 2013 Jan.: 24 (1 ) 100-12 PMCID: PMC3537214

  • Mutation mapping and identification by whole-genome sequencing.

    Leshchiner I, Alexa K, Kelsey P, Adzhubei I, Austin-Tse CA, Cooney JD, Anderson H, King MJ, Stottmann RW, Garnaas MK, Ha S, Drummond IA, Paw BH, North TE, Beier DR, Goessling W, Sunyaev SR

    22555591 Genome research , 2012 Aug.: 22 (8 ) 1541-8 PMCID: PMC3409267

  • Cholesterol metabolism is required for intracellular hedgehog signal transduction in vivo.

    Stottmann RW, Turbe-Doan A, Tran P, Kratz LE, Moran JL, Kelley RI, Beier DR

    21912524 PLoS genetics , 2011 Sept.: 7 (9 ) e1002224 PMCID: PMC3164675

  • The naive airway hyperresponsiveness of the A/J mouse is Kit-mediated.

    Cozzi E, Ackerman KG, Lundequist A, Drazen JM, Boyce JA, Beier DR

    21768379 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2011 Aug 2: 108 (31 ) 12787-92 PMCID: PMC3150901

  • A forward genetic screen with a thalamocortical axon reporter mouse yields novel neurodevelopment mutants and a distinct emx2 mutant phenotype.

    Dwyer ND, Manning DK, Moran JL, Mudbhary R, Fleming MS, Favero CB, Vock VM, O'Leary DD, Walsh CA, Beier DR

    21214893 Neural development , 2011 Jan 7: 6 3 PMCID: PMC3024922

  • Genome-wide identification of mouse congenital heart disease loci.

    Kamp A, Peterson MA, Svenson KL, Bjork BC, Hentges KE, Rajapaksha TW, Moran J, Justice MJ, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Moskowitz IP, Beier DR

    20511334 Human molecular genetics , 2010 Aug 15: 19 (16 ) 3105-13 PMCID: PMC2908466

  • Prdm16 is required for normal palatogenesis in mice.

    Bjork BC, Turbe-Doan A, Prysak M, Herron BJ, Beier DR

    20007998 Human molecular genetics , 2010 Mar 1: 19 (5 ) 774-89 PMCID: PMC2816611

  • Lethal skeletal dysplasia in mice and humans lacking the golgin GMAP-210.

    Smits P, Bolton AD, Funari V, Hong M, Boyden ED, Lu L, Manning DK, Dwyer ND, Moran JL, Prysak M, Merriman B, Nelson SF, Bonafé L, Superti-Furga A, Ikegawa S, Krakow D, Cohn DH, Kirchhausen T, Warman ML, Beier DR

    20089971 The New England journal of medicine , 2010 Jan 21: 362 (3 ) 206-16 PMCID: PMC3108191

  • PRDM16 controls a brown fat/skeletal muscle switch.

    Seale P, Bjork B, Yang W, Kajimura S, Chin S, Kuang S, Scimè A, Devarakonda S, Conroe HM, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Rudnicki MA, Beier DR, Spiegelman BM

    18719582 Nature , 2008 Aug 21: 454 (7207 ) 961-7 PMCID: PMC2583329

  • THM1 negatively modulates mouse sonic hedgehog signal transduction and affects retrograde intraflagellar transport in cilia.

    Tran PV, Haycraft CJ, Besschetnova TY, Turbe-Doan A, Stottmann RW, Herron BJ, Chesebro AL, Qiu H, Scherz PJ, Shah JV, Yoder BK, Beier DR

    18327258 Nature genetics , 2008 April: 40 (4 ) 403-410 PMCID: PMC4817720