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ECG Interpretations and Upload

What are Seattle Children’s Heart Center ECG interpretation services?

Seattle Children’s Heart Center offers pediatric electrocardiogram (known as ECG or EKG) interpretation services to help community providers in our region who desire advanced evaluation of their pediatric patient’s ECG studies.

What if I have never had an ECG interpretation with Seattle Children’s Heart Center team before?

If you have not had an ECG interpretation with Seattle Children’s Heart Center, before uploading a study you will need to request and establish an account by emailing [email protected]. Heart Center leadership will work with you to set up and configure a new account. We provide technical support to set up and test ECG interpretations.

Upload ECG Studies to Seattle Children’s for an ECG Interpretation

You will be taken to a secure website to complete a simple three-step process.


Important information

This tool is not intended to receive radiology, echo or cath procedure images. To upload radiology images, learn more about PowerShare Medical Image Upload.

What are the ECG study equipment requirements?

Seattle Children’s Heart Center is only able to receive ECG studies from DataMed®-compatible ECG units. Though most studies are compatible, please confirm that your specific unit is listed on their website.

If you do not use DataMed®-compatible ECG units, please discuss upgrades with your biomedical staff and/or vendor.

How to Upload ECG Images

  1. Click the “Upload ECG Study” button above to begin the process. You will be taken to the upload page.
  2. Sign in and compete the upload form. Please complete all fields.
  3. Browse to the location of the ECG file on your system and attach it to the form.

How long will it typically take to receive an ECG interpretation from the time I send a study?

Please allow two business days for results from an ECG submission. If you’re in an emergent patient care situation, please call 911 and obtain care. For urgent clinical questions, defined as a clinical question that requires immediate attention due to its potential impact on patient health or safety but is not life-threatening, call our Provider-to-Provider line at 206-987-7777 or 877-985-4637 (toll-free) to speak to our on-call cardiologist.

What if I need help with the upload form?

For questions or assistance using the upload form, please call 206-987-5133. For questions about setting up an account for ECG interpretations, please email [email protected].