Continuing Medical Education, Grand Rounds, and More
For a comprehensive list of education opportunities available from Seattle Children’s for healthcare professionals, please visit our education site.
Continuing Education, Conferences, and Symposiums
See our full CME Calendar here.
- July 18 to 20, 2024: 19th Annual Treuman Katz Pediatric Bioethics Conference: Thinking Big, Responding Ethically: Big Data and AI in Pediatrics (July 19-20) and Nursing Ethics: Today’s Realities and Tomorrow’s Challenges (July 18): Learn more and register
- Sept. 28, 2024: Updates on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases for the General Practitioner: Learn more and register.
Provider Grand Rounds
Year-round on Thursdays from 8 to 9 a.m. in Seattle Children’s Wright Auditorium and streamed via WebEx. Learn more and watch the live webcast or recordings.
Please note that parking and entrance procedures have changed. See current campus maps with parking and screening information. Please review them before coming to the hospital. You will need to RSVP 24 hours in advance to [email protected], so that your name can be shared with the hospital entrance staff. You will also need to bring photo ID.
We will continue to livestream our Grand Rounds presentations and record them for posting online.
- June 6: Mind the Gap: Supporting Successful Health Care Transition in Emerging Adults
Faisal Malik, MD, MSHS
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, UW; Co-Director, Health Services and Quality of Care Research Fellowship at UW and Seattle Children’s; Attending Physician, Endocrinology, Seattle Children’s - June 13: Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Development in Kenya and Across Sub-Saharan Africa
Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine; Adjunct Associate Professor, Global Health, UW; Critical Care, PICU, Seattle Children’s
Emily Hartford, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, UW; Emergency Medicine, Seattle Children’s
Mukokinya Kailemia, MD MBChB, MMed
Consultant Pediatrician/Pediatric Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Specialist, Kenyatta National Hospital
- June 20: Fostering Personal Sustainability: Clinical Approaches to Climate Change and Youth Mental Health
Thomas Doherty, PsyD (virtual presenter)
Psychologist, Sustainable Self, Portland, Oregon - June 27: Supporting Healthy Minds: Optimizing Neurodevelopment of Children in Kenya
Global WACh Lecture
Grace John-Stewart, MD, MPH, PhD
Professor in the Departments of Global Health, Medicine, Epidemiology and Pediatrics, UW; Co-Director, UW Center for Global Health of Women, Adolescents and Children (UW Global WACh); Associate Director, UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
Sarah Benki, PhD, MS
Lecturer, Global Health, Global WACh
Michelle Bulterys, PhD, MPH
UW Global WACh
Dalton Wamalwa, MBChB, MMed, MPH
Chair, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Nairobi
Psychiatry Grand Rounds
First Friday of every month October through June from 8 to 9:20 a.m. Learn more.
- June 7, 2024: CAP Fellows: Scholarly Inquiry Project and End of Year Projects for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows
Graduating CAP Fellows:
Cynthia Beltran, MD
Brenda Cartujano Barrer, MD
Robin Berger, MD
Roxanne Fries, MD
Maia Ou, MD
Christina Warner, MD