Stephen Ray Reeves, MD, PhD

- Children's Title: Attending Physician
- Academic Title: Assistant Professor
- Research Center: Center for Respiratory Biology and Therapeutics
- On Staff Since: September 2014
"I strive to understand the underlying causes for respiratory diseases so that we can develop innovative approaches to treat them. I hope to someday put myself out of work."
Stephen R. Reeves, MD, PhD, is an attending physician in the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Seattle Children's Hospital. He is a native of Kentucky and completed his MD and PhD degrees at the University of Louisville as part of the combined MD/PhD physician scientist training program. Following completion of his degrees, Steve moved to Southern California to complete his residency in general pediatric medicine at the University of California, San Diego Department of Pediatrics. He then completed his pediatric pulmonary medicine fellowship at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington School of Medicine. Steve’s clinical interests include asthma management, chronic respiratory failure, and technology dependent children, as well as general pulmonary medicine.
In addition to his clinical duties, Steve is a principal investigator in the Center for Respiratory Biology and Therapeutics (CRBT) at Seattle Children’s Research Institute . His research interests include investigating the contribution of cell signaling and extracellular matrix changes during lung disease and evaluating the effects of the extracellular matrix remodeling on airway inflammation. Steve’s specific areas of research interest include lung epithelial cell–stromal cell crosstalk that promotes a pro-inflammatory microenvironment during chronic lung inflammation (ex. asthma) and acute lung inflammation (ex. viral infections).
Board Certification(s)
Pediatric Pulmonology
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
University of California San Diego-Pediatrics, San Diego, CA
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Clinical Interests
- Asthma
- Chronic cough
- Chronic respiratory failure
- Recurrent lung infections
- Respiratory viruses
- Transient wheezing of infancy
Research Description
- Airway biology
- Airway development
- Airway remodeling
- Asthma
- Respiratory viruses
Related Resources
Research in the Reeves Lab seeks to better define the tissue microenvironments of the lung related to airway remodeling during injury and repair.
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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