Joel S Tieder, MD, MPH

- Children's Title: Director, Maintenance of Certification
- Academic Title: Professor, Pediatrics
- Research Center: Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- On Staff Since: September 2003
"Hospitalization is an extremely stressful event for both the child and the caregiver. The experience is wrought with uncertainty. Delivering quality care in this situation requires an in-depth understanding of the healthcare environment, expert knowledge of the scientific evidence, a strong base of experience, skilled communication, prioritization of the family and patient experience, and a compassionate and empathetic heart. I believe it is our responsibility to inspire all generations to continually improve healthcare delivery."
Joel S. Tieder, MD, MPH is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Hospital Medicine at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University Of Washington School Of Medicine. He is a pediatric hospitalist with scholarly focus on improving the delivery of quality care for hospitalized children, particularly through overcoming healthcare disparities and the use of evidence-based and family-centered care. His local leadership positions include the Director for Seattle Children’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC), Program Director for the University of Washington Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship. Nationally, he is the Immediate Past-Chair for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.
Joel Tieder, MD, MPH is a pediatric hospitalist and recognized as a national leader in quality improvement education and research. He is devoted much of his research career to defining, improving, and delivering quality healthcare for hospitalized children. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He is a leading expert for Brief Resolved Unexplained Events and is the Chair for the AAP Subcommittee on Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs). He has led many national research projects aimed to improve the quality of care for hospitalized children, which currently includes a large multicenter study PHIS study aimed at evaluating and improving the outcomes of infants who have experienced a BRUE.
Board Certification(s)
Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA
University of Washington, Seattle, WAClinical Interests
Pediatric hospital medicine, health equity and diversity, Brief Resolved Unexplained Events, quality of care, family and patient experience
Research Description
The primary focus of my research is on improving the quality of care in the pediatric inpatient setting. Areas of interest include Brief Resolved Unexplained Events, overcoming health disparities, implemenation science, risk stratification models, and pediatric outcomes research
Research Focus Area
Quality Improvement
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Joel S Tieder, MD, MPH.