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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Ex-Vivo MicroCT Scanning Facility

Instrument Details

The Bruker Skyscan 1272 offers high-resolution X-ray tomography with isotropic resolution from 1 to 50 microns, a 16Mpixel CMOS camera, and an adjustable stage. It supports fields of view up to 10 mm (1 micron) or 70 mm (50 microns) with triple offset scanning.

 It excels in 3D imaging of mineralized tissues and can also image soft tissues with contrast agents (e.g., IKI, Lugol's, PTA). Vascular networks are visualized using perfusion fixation with agents like MicroFil. An automated changer enables batch imaging for up to 16 samples.

Data can be processed using 3D Slicer via the SlicerMorph extension or on MorphoCloud. In-house workstations are preloaded with 3D Slicer and SlicerMorph, and optional cloud-based processing is available through MorphoCloud.


NIH-funded investigators access the instrument for free, while training is required for self-use. Fee-based services are available.

Contact, Scheduling, and Additional Resources

Primary contact for details: Dr. Murat Maga

Calendar availability and additional resources


Pictured (left to right): The Bruker Skyscan 1272; A 3D rendering of a mammalian molar; A 3D vascular network in an adult mouse brain; A contrast enhanced CT of an E15 mouse fetus and its segmentation

Pictured (left to right): The Bruker Skyscan 1272; A 3D rendering of a mammalian molar; A 3D vascular network in an adult mouse brain; A contrast enhanced CT of an E15 mouse fetus and its segmentation