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High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Click IRB Resources

The Click IRB application brings a number of advantages to the federally mandated management of human subjects research at Seattle Children’s, including increased efficiency, greater standardization across documents and processes used by the IRB and increased visibility during the review process.

Click IRB Training Resources

You are invited to log in and explore Click IRB – but you are advised to receive Click IRB training prior to making any submissions in Click IRB. The Investigator Manual (HRP-103) is recommended reading and is found in the Click Library on the General tab.

Instructor-Led Click IRB Training
  1. Click IRB Deep Dive Part 1: This class will provide an overview of the Click IRB system and prepare you to understand the four core system transactions (New Studies, Continuing Reviews, Modifications and Reportable New Information) with an emphasis on activities for New Studies.
  2. Click IRB Deep Dive Part 2: This class is designed to help you understand and use the important concepts and techniques in Click IRB to move from basic viewing to initiating activities in the system that cue team members and the IRB to engage with the study. Includes job aids and workflows containing key concepts on each topic covered and hands-on activities to reinforce skills and knowledge attained.

See class descriptions and register for available workshops through Grow@SC.

Click IRB Reference Guides

When you’re ready to get started with Click IRB, you may find it helpful to refer to these Reference Guides as you navigate the system.

The Click application encompassing Grants, Agreements, IRB, IACUC and COI modules has been successfully upgraded (available as of December 11, 2023) to increase functionality and integration, and improve stability and performance. This detailed change summary is available to help you stay informed of the changes in the upgraded Click IRB module.