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Informational Alert

Due to a measles case in the community, please call before coming to Seattle Children’s if you or your child has potential measles symptoms.

High Priority Alert

Masking and Visitation Changes: Due to high rates of respiratory illnesses in our community, we’ve made changes to our masking and visitation guidelines. Learn more.

Seattle Children’s Information Technology

We believe in delivering leading-edge technology to honor generations today and tomorrow.

Seattle Children’s Information Technology (IT) team ensures providers, clinicians, researchers and support staff members have the most up-to-date technology so we can give hope, provide the best care and find cures for every child who needs us.

We are also focused on delivering the tools patients and families need to take control of their healthcare experience. This includes offering electronic access to their patient portal to review test results, request medication refills, contact providers, request appointments and pay bills.

Message from Seattle Children’s Chief Digital and Information Officer

Zafar Chaudry, MD, MS, MIS, MBA, Senior Vice President and Chief Digital and Information Officer “Each new year invites reflection and hope. The last year has been challenging, and I want to express my deepest gratitude for Seattle Children’s talented Information Technology (IT) team.

I am inspired by their collaboration, willingness to go the extra mile and unwavering support for our workforce, patients and their families. They often work behind the scenes and are the driving force behind our successes.

I’m excited to share our accomplishments and have no doubt we will continue to achieve great things. The following report provides a high-level view of the key services and impacts of Seattle Children’s 11 IT service lines in fiscal year 2023 (Oct. 1, 2022 through Sept. 30, 2023).”

– Zafar Chaudry, MD, MS, MIS, MBA, Senior Vice President and Chief Digital and Information Officer

About Seattle Children’s IT Department

Our Team

Our team includes more than 450 staff members from diverse backgrounds who use their expertise to better understand all aspects of the patient care experience and how IT plays a role in improving those experiences. Some of our IT employees have clinical backgrounds as providers, nurses and pharmacists.

Who We Serve

Our IT team partners with and serves patients and families, providers, nurses, researchers, hospital administrators, community senior leaders, and data analysts and data scientists.

Our Services

We offer a variety of innovative tools and services. This includes platform services that align with and are integrated into the work of our business partners – the teams across the organization that we provide services to – and support services that enable the delivery of the platform services.

Our Commitment

We are committed to maximizing the knowledge and expertise of our clinicians through the use of technology, optimizing workflows and improving the effectiveness of our systems, and empowering our patients to own their health information and lead their care.

Past IT Annual Reports

Work for Seattle Children’s Information Technology

Discover opportunities to join our team on our Careers page.