Where to Refer Concussion Patients at Seattle Children’s
May 5, 2021
A new algorithm helps PCPs know where to refer patients for concussion at Seattle Children’s.
- Neurology sees patients who have had ongoing headache for over two months, in the absence of a sports injury.
- Sports Medicine sees patients who experienced a sports injury concussion, are at least 6 years old and have not experienced any of the following: hospitalization for more than 24 hours, skull fracture, intracranial hemorrhage, focal neurological deficit or neurosurgery/brain surgery of any kind in the past.
- Rehabilitation Medicine sees all other concussion patients.
See our concussion referral algorithm.
Not all patients who experience a concussion need to see a specialist. HEADS UP: concussion resources for providers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers information about supporting concussion patients in primary care.
More algorithms created by Seattle Children’s providers can be found at Algorithms for Referring Providers.