Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic Offers Quick Access to Therapies and X-Rays; Outside Referrals Are Welcome
December 6, 2023
We’d like to remind providers that Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) site in Rainier Valley — OBCC Othello — offers not only primary care services but also several specialty therapy services that are available with an outside referral with little to no wait time (two weeks or less):
- Physical therapy
- Sports therapy
- Rehab therapy
Walk-in X-rays are also available weekdays at OBCC for patients up to age 18 with an order. Families can bring their order with them or have their community provider fax it to 206-985-3128.
Specialty care expanded significantly at OBCC when the Othello location opened last year and is drawing more patients. “Many new families who come to OBCC Othello for the first time are bowled over by our beautiful new building and quick access to care,” says Antwanette Lyons, OBCC’s manager of community health programs and development. She notes that many new families at OBCC are coming from Tacoma and Pierce County and say they appreciate the convenient location and easy parking.
Additional benefits to receiving specialty care at OBCC
Families who come to OBCC — for specialty care or any service — have access to a range of family assistance programs. These are offered through the clinic’s community care coordinator team. OBCC can assist with childcare, groceries, transportation, utility assistance, rental assistance and more. Its WIC program is open to patient families and all community members.
“Our ability to meet families’ concrete needs as well as their psychosocial needs is what sets us apart from other places that our families could choose for care,” says Lyons.
At this time, certain other OBCC specialty services — including dermatology, dental, behavioral health, nutrition and sickle cell — are still by internal referral only.
When referring a patient to OBCC: Use Seattle Children’s new appointment request form (NARF) and write “OBCC” on the referral to help ensure families are scheduled at the OBCC Othello location. For X-rays, use Seattle Children’s Radiology Request Form and check the X-ray box for OBCC Othello.
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