New Inpatient Unit Adds 20 Surgical Beds to Help Seattle Children’s Meet the Needs of Our Growing Region
March 1, 2023
Seattle Children’s new hospital wing, Forest B, opened 20 new surgical inpatient rooms on the 8th floor, bringing the total number of surgical inpatient beds at Seattle Children’s to 94 — a 27% increase.
The new inpatient rooms are single-occupant and primarily serve patients who are recovering from general surgery and urology procedures. The inpatient unit includes a lounge and kitchen for family use.
Forest B was completed in summer 2022 and has been opening in waves, with eight new operating rooms and two catheterization labs opening last October followed by the opening in December of the new outpatient space for the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. Forest B sits adjacent to the Emergency Department and serves as the hospital’s new “front door.” Learn more.