New CSW Pathway for Sacral Dimples, Closed Spinal Dysraphism and Tethered Spinal Cord
June 5, 2019
A new clinical standard work (CSW) pathway focuses on the experience of patients with sacral dimples referred to the Neurosurgery or Neurodevelopment clinic. The pathway identifies a consistent process for the many patient visits and interactions regarding referral, diagnosis and preop and postop management. Representatives from Urology and Radiology Anesthesia assisted in the creation of this pathway.
The pathway recommends that referring providers refer patients with sacral dimples or other cutaneous sacral, coccygeal or gluteal anomaly to Neurosurgery, who will assist in a multidisciplinary triage. The pathway also includes guidance and explanation for the use of spinal ultrasound and MRI for these patients.
For more information, please reference the CSW Pathways and Tools page on Seattle Children’s website. For questions or concerns, contact the Sacral Dimple Pathway Team.