Tracy L Seimears, MD, M.Ed

- Children's Title: Associate Director, Pediatric Residency Program
- Academic Title: Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
- On Staff Since: September 2019
Dr. Seimears completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Washington and a M.Ed at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She attended University of Washington School of medicine and completed her internship and residency at the Boston Combined Residency Program: Leadership in Equity and Advocacy Track.
Dr. Seimears is interested in medical education, with a focus in equity, diversity and inclusion and interdisciplinary learning. She is a current associate program director of the University of Washington pediatric residency program since 2022 in which she co-leads multiple curricular initiatives including the Inclusion, Cultural Humility, Diversity and Equity (INCLUDE) curriculum. She serves as the faculty advisor for Seattle Health Equity Rounds a quarterly multidisciplinary educational conference on issues of bias in medicine.
Board Certification(s)
Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Harvard Graduate School Of Education, Cambridge, MA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA -
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Loading...No Publications found for Tracy L Seimears, MD, M.Ed
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Tracy L Seimears, MD, M.Ed.