Robert J Hilt, MD

- Children's Title: Director, Partnership Access Line; Director, Community Leadership
- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- Research Center: Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development
- On Staff Since: August 2006
"While working as a general pediatrician in Washington, I was startled by the frequency and severity of child behavioral and mental-health problems that I was called upon to manage. Families asked me to help because, they said, specialty care was very difficult to access. I eventually decided to make this my professional focus, and I obtained additional training in psychiatry so that I could start addressing these unmet child mental-healthcare needs. I am fortunate to have the opportunity at Children’s to help primary care providers and families throughout the state improve the lives of children."
Board Certification(s)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
University of Rochester School of Medicine/Dentistry, Rochester, NY
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MAFellowship
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA
Clinical Interests
Consultation and liaison in child psychiatry
Research Description
Delivery of outpatient child psychiatric consultation, and psychiatric education for primary care providers
Related Resources
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Robert J Hilt, MD.