Ian M Kodish, MD, PhD

- Children's Title: Clinical Program Director, Consultation/Liaison Service
- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- Research Center: Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development
- On Staff Since: July 2009
"I strive to support the emotional and behavioral health in patients by partnering with pediatrics, surgical, and emergency medicine providers providing care at Seattle Children's Hospital. "
Board certified in adult as well as child and adolescent psychiatry. Completed PhD in neuroscience with focus on experiential neuroplasticity and neuroanatomical changes associated with psychiatric illness.
Board Certification(s)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
University of Illinois College of Medicine-Urbana, Urbana, IL
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
University of Washington Pediatric Residency, Seattle, WA
Clinical Interests
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Neuroscience
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
Loading...Award Name Award Description Awarded By Award Date {{ award.name }} {{ award.description }} {{ award.organization }} {{ award.displayDate }} No Awards and Honors found for Ian M Kodish, MD, PhD
Loading...No Publications found for Ian M Kodish, MD, PhD
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Research Funding
Loading...Grant Title Grantor Amount Award Date {{ funding.title }} {{ funding.grantedBy }} {{ funding.amount }} {{ funding.displayDate }} No Research Funding found for Ian M Kodish, MD, PhD
Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Ian M Kodish, MD, PhD.