Erin P Herlihy, MD

- Children's Title: Director, Ophthalmology Education
- Academic Title: Associate Professor
- On Staff Since: November 2008
Erin P. Herlihy, MD, is an attending physician at Seattle Childrens Hospital and associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington, School of Medicine. A graduate of Notre Dame and Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, she completed residency training in Ophthalmology at the University of Washington Medical Center, followed by a fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center. She specializes in pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus.
Her research interests include the pathogenesis of myopia and progressive axial elongation in children, systemic associations of divergence insufficiency in children and adults, and various treatments for amblyopia and infantile nasolacrimal disorders. She is a principal investigator in the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, which is supported by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Herlihy is an active member in several local and national medical associations and is board certified in ophthalmology.
Board Certification(s)
Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
University of Michigan W.K. Kellogg Eye Center, Ann Arbor, MI
Clinical Interests
Pediatric and adult strabismus, amblyopia, nasolacrimal disorders, pediatric cataracts, refractive error in children, system diseases that affect the eyes
Research Description
Treatment of refractive and strabismic amblyopia, divergence insufficiency in children and adults, surgical management of intermittent exotropia, pathogenesis of progressive myopia and the development of interventions to retard progressive axial length elongation in children.
Research Focus Area
Translational Research
Patient Testimonials
Awards and Honors
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Loading...No Publications found for Erin P Herlihy, MD
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Research Funding
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Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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No clinical trials found for Erin P Herlihy, MD.