September 4, 2024

Tree Work at Hospital Campus and on Adjacent Streets September 10 and 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, and Wednesday, September 11, Bartlett Tree Experts will be pruning trees at Seattle Children’s Hospital campus. The work will include pruning for vehicle clearance, removing one tree that is in the process of falling and pruning to correct structural defaults to reduce the risk of future stem/tree failures. There will be some noise from chainsaws and chippers during the work.

Some of this work will be well within the hospital campus and some will be along the perimeter of the property. Regarding perimeter work, on the west side of 45th Avenue NE, one staghorn sumac in danger of falling will be removed. Along NE 45th Street, a weeping Norway spruce across from 42nd Avenue NE will be pruned to remove broken branches and hangers. On the east side of 40th Avenue NE, between the exit from the hospital and Sand Point Way NE, trees will be pruned up for vehicle clearance over the drive and one Scots pine will be pruned for structural defaults. Metro has been notified of the work located near a bus stop. None of the work is expected to impact vehicle traffic or bus service.

Please direct any questions to Meghan Fuller, manager of Exterior Management, at [email protected].