Research Administration

Pre-Award Administration

Please notify your grant administrator at least 30 business days (60 business days preferred) prior to your grant application deadline.

Pre-Award Process

  1. For any funding opportunity you plan to pursue, you should notify your grant administrator no less than 30 business days from the sponsor’s due date. If the application will include subcontracts, you should allow more time – 60 business days is the recommended time frame. The added time for an application that includes subcontracts will give the partnering agency time to complete the required documents and get their own institutional signoff.
  2. 15 business days from the sponsor due date, you should submit your final administrative (non-science) components to your grant administrator. This includes biosketches, letters of support, budgets, etc. This gives the grant administrator time to verify rates in the budget, pull PMCID numbers for publications for the biosketch and perform other administrative tasks that are required prior to submission.
  3. 8 business days from the sponsor due date, all final materials are due to your grant administrator. This allows time for formatting, uploading and drafting of the required OSR-10 form to be issued for signature by several review parties.
  4. 5 business days from the sponsor due date, the grant administrator submits to the grant supervisor for review and signoff.
  5. 3 business days from the sponsor due date, the grant administrator submits the application through OSR WIP ticket for OSR institutional review, approval and submittal to the sponsoring agency.

Unsure who your CCTR grants administrator is? See who is assigned to your division/department.