Cystic Fibrosis Research

From developing groundbreaking therapies to leading clinical research studies, Seattle Children's has been an international leader in cystic fibrosis (CF) research for more than 25 years.

Through our successful research program, we are learning more about the disease, and developing new treatments and therapies to help people with CF live longer, healthier lives.

At any given time, there is a variety of CF research studies happening at Seattle Children's. These include:

  • Interventional studies to test the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, like new medications that target the underlying cause of CF.
  • Observational studies to help us learn more about CF and the effect it has on health.

Make a Difference: Take Part in a Research Study

Dr. Bonnie Ramsey with a patientCF is one of the most common lung diseases in children and young adults. Most children with CF are diagnosed by age 2; however, some are not diagnosed until age 18 or older.

Research studies play an important role in the battle against CF. However, they can't take place unless people with CF volunteer to take part. If you or a child you know is interested in participating in a research study, please speak with your CF doctor or contact one of our research coordinators.

Help us answer questions about childhood health and illness, and help other children in the future. Learn more.